Chapter Nine- Boys will be boys

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Seeing Kieran had really shook me up as we went out of the meeting room. A young girl with dark brown hair in a high ponytail was to be our tour guide. Her name was Rachel and she was Moorehill's secretary so whenever someone was leaving or arriving at Moorehill she would do all of the paperwork. I didn't really think much of her or the tour and apparently neither did Ricky. When we were on the second floor looking through the living room Ricky pulled me aside.

"Hey beautiful, lets go somewhere else. I can't be bothered to listen to this bitch keep going on and on about historical features," he whispered sexily into my ear. His warm lips nibbled on the love of my ear as he spoke. It sent a shiver through my spine.

I agreed and soon enough we'd ditched the rest of our group. I didn't know where we were going but I just let Ricky pull me along through endless corridors. This camp was massive and we hadn't even seen the outside so we headed towards the doors. All the other camp mates seemed to be in lessons or whatever the hell they did here. I hadn't really been listening to bloody Kieran.

Ricky brought me towards the lake, it turned out that behind the stone house there's a massive lake with lots of land. I guess it wouldn't be so bad here, actually yes it will be that bad here.

I'll have to see Kieran everyday...

As Ricky went towards the big willow tree it reminded me so much of the night I spend cuddled in Cam's arms.

"Hey babe, what are you thinking about?" Ricky asked as he brushed some of my long black hair out of my teary eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked him as I bent my head to hide the tears starting to fall down my cheeks.

"You were biting your lip, you always do that when your worried and you have tears in your eyes," he replied as he pulled my head into his broad chest and held me there. I don't know how but I had the best boyfriend in the world, he was just perfect. He was a crazy, ruthless bad boy, yes but he was also the most sensitive, sweet and caring guy I'd ever met.

"So are you gonna tell me or what?" he whispered as he rested his forehead on mine and pecked the tip of my nose.

"Cam, I miss him so much..."

I saw something in Ricky's eyes that I'd never seen before. Not even the time I nearly got stabbed was he that angry. His eyes were just full of pure hatred and anger.

He muttered something about having to go somewhere and left me alone. I watched him sadly as he stormed back towards the building.

I was missing something, big time.

Ricky's POV

As my beautiful girlfriend said his name, my blood boiled. The inconsiderate bastard had not only messed with me but hurt my girlfriend. That was it, I didn't give an absolute shit about anything but knocking the bastard out right then and there. And anyone who got in my way would feel my wrath.

Everyone thought I was just Ryan's good looking twin brother. Girls only wanted me for my looks and I was only part of the gang because of Ryan. But that was all about to change, so what if I didn't join in on the shooting. It didn't mean I had never killed anyone. I had, its just no one knew it was me. Not even Ryan. No one knew I was a cage fighter, I could knock any one of the lads out easily its just I was the passive guy.

Not anymore.

As I charged towards the double oak doors, the thought of knocking Cameron out overwhelmed me. I could kill him, I was so mad. If Jord was upset then I'd tell her why I'd knocked him out, the two faced bastard deserved it after what he'd said about Jordanne.

I charged up the stairs towards the second floor, I didn't know where he would be but I would knock down walls with my bare hands to get to him. I stopped mid step and listened for the voice of the secretary. She drove me insane, just her voice made me want to punch her. But I was a professional at keeping my cool. I could hear her mumbles from upstairs where I thought the rooms were and I ran up the stairs two at time. My hands were balled into fists as I ran full pace towards the secretary's voice.

She was in the seventh room down explaining about laundry when I saw him. I knocked the woman aside and charged at him. His eyes blazed when he saw me, but that didn't change anything.

I shoved him up against the wall and grabbed him by the throat, squeezing harder each time he tried to squirm.

"I'm going to kill you like I did your sister. You'll be f****** sorry!" I whispered.

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