Jack's story

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Jake was your ordinary 12 year old boy as everyone thought. He knew something was wrong with him. That one thing was he was a bully he bullied the gay kid's, but when he meet a certain boy that was begging not to be punched by him he noticed something. He noticed that he did this because he was jealous. Jealous of what you ask what would a bully want from a poor little gay kid. He found himself he found who he really was, and accepted that he accepted him for him. Jack always liked boys but pushed that thought out of his head. He wanted to be different to be accepted. That day when he was gonna punch that gay kid he gave him a kiss instead a wonderful kiss. That day on he stood up for the gay kid's, cared for them. But there was one certain guy that stood out from the rest. Let's just say they fell in love. Then one day there family's we're going on a road trip together. The car feel over a cliff killing everyone except jack and his boyfriends 8 year old sister Sammy. Jack helped her survive and he called for rescue the were sent to a orphanage in L.A and spent there life's there. Never leaving each other's side's. Until 2 boys named Daniel and Joey wanted to adopt jack. Jack refused to be adopted unless Sammy was coming. The two guys agreed to adopt them both. And that's Jack's Story

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