* Two *

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  A week has passed . Every night of this week has been an ongoing torture . Luke . That's all my brain was , that's all my thoughts were , my dreams , everything . Him . My mother, she told me this was good , she told me we would meet soon , but I don't want to meet Luke; My inevitable mate. Not yet anyways .

  It's cold, it's fall . Me and Calum lay on a slightly torn plain blanket in the woods . Our place . His lips attacking mine slight rigorously , my hands wandering down his back . His large hands slowly making their way down to the button of my pant's.

"Cal, no" I said , my words slightly dis formed in pronunciation due to the contact of his lips .

  He rolled off me and apologized . He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes like he usually does . 

"You're so beautiful Fal. So damn breathtaking" The words falling from his lips, as he tucked a strand of my black hair behind my ear . His words comforting , but all so painful . We couldn't be together , and deep down we both fully understood the reality of our situation , but we wanted to keep living this fairy tail romance for as long as we could .

"I need to tell you something " I say timidly . He stares at me , giving me a nod . I sat up and cleared my throat , which became quite dry .

"Cal, you know I love you right " He gave me a toothy grin and nodded .

"A lot , and that means you deserve to know" His grin slowly faded and his eyes were more focused on mine . 

"He's coming . We're meeting soon , I've been having the dream for a long time now and -" I was too focused on the words that were coming out of my mouth , I didn't notice Calum , now standing up looking down at me intensely . He was angry .

"Fallon . What do you mean 'he's coming' ?" He growled , scaring me a bit .

"Cal, please don't be mad" I stood , reaching for his touch , but he slowly backed away .

"No Fallon . No" He backed away even further . He let out a loud growl , before swinging and threw his fist at a tree . He left a dent , blood had stained the bark . He didn't wince in pain , or let out a scream . He only huffed . His hand at his side , blood dripping on the twigs and leaves scattering the forest ground .

"Calum, you're bleeding" I said taking his hand in mine . He simply yanked it back , turned , and was out of my sight within seconds .

I didn't chase him , or let out any tears , or any words . I just stood , letting the cold air hit my face . I packed up the blanket and the few snacks we had brought along , and begun walking . The sun was setting and the air became cold ,  colder than it already was .


  I turned around quickly , but nobody was there . I hurried my pace walking back home , to safety . 


  I fell to the ground , letting what i had packed up fall and scatter on the forest floor . A body-less voice begun ringing in my ear , screaming my name . My hand covered my ears in hope to block out the overwhelming uproar . No luck . The voice was in my head . Screaming and torturing me .

"SHUT UP !" I screamed . I was balled up , wishing it would stop .

"Look up Fallon"  the voice crackled in my head . My head slowly raised , and looked all around me . Nobody . I was sobbing . I just wanted it to stop , but it continued . I was cold and alone in the woods .

"Look at me Fallon" The voice in my head got deeper , more manlier , the voice was no longer body-less . I looked up and there in front of me was he . It was a face I had wanted to push back .


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