Chasing the dork by JennaTheDarkOne

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In simple words, Rex is a bad ass.
      At her high school she nicknamed FuckVille High, named after what she calls her town, everyone knows her name, her face, and every party goer has her on speed dial. She kicks ass, does what she wants, and isn't afraid to lay down the law she’s set between her personal space and the school populace. No one invades her little world unless they’re invited and she hasn't given anyone that invitation, yet.
       Jarek Lexington, or Scum Face as Rex’s friends call him, is a dork. Everyone knows he’s into the world’s most dorky activities. When her close friend Venom starts talking to this dorky student Rex just can’t get him out of her head. After bumping into Scum Face in a public restroom with bruises on his face she realizes that she has, involuntarily, let someone into her stone cold heart.
       But Jarek and Rex as stubborn and awkward teens, so Venom bets Rex that she can get the two together in three months tops. She agrees on the terms that her friend can’t be as blunt as she usually is by simply telling Scum Face how she feels. With this in mind, it’s bound to be a wild ride.
        Heart break, worlds colliding, school bullying, and a crazy music scene makes this book an amazing read.


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