Started with a lie by Paintedsky

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One lie. One lie started everything.

         "I'm dating Lee Richardson," I tell her, crossing my arms to hide my trembling fingers. My fingers always shake when I lie.
        "You mean Lee Richardson, the world's youngest billionaire and heir to Richardson Corporation and its long line of businesses?" She scoffs. "Sure you are."
"That's the one," I beam, trying to make myself sound firm and authentic.

Ivory Flores had always been the supportive friend, helpful classmate, and honest person to go to. There would be nobody nicer than her. That all changed when her best friend, Karen Mole, stabbed her in the back. When Karen starts dating Ivory's long time crush, Peter Jones, and starts flaunting it in front of Ivory – she can't bear it anymore. She makes up a lie saying she's dating multi-millionaire, gorgeous Lee Richardson. What happens when Karen asks for proof and forces Ivory to show everyone they are actually dating? How far will Ivory go to bring down Karen? And how will Lee react to all of this when he finds out?

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