Chapter 2

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"So what's for dinner?"I ask Tobias as I follow him into the kitchen.

"Well, beautiful, I'm not much of a cook so it's either eat at the Dining Hall or bring Dining Hall food back here"

"I'd rather be with you than be bombarded by a bunch of questions from Christina" I answer. He chuckles at my reply.

"Well I can grab the food, do you want to stay here?" He asks. I smile at how thoughtful he is. He can sense that I'm tired and just want to stay here.

"Sure that sounds great."I say.

"I'll be back in a few okay?" he answers.

"Okay." I say. He kisses my cheek softly then walks away. I watch him as he walks. His perfect muscular body is much bigger than mine. Other people might think we're quite the mismatched pair. And sometimes I think that too. What does he see in me? Out of all the girls in Dauntless he chose me. I just don't get it.

Enough of this I think. I step over and sit down on the couch. I look around the room and found there wasn't much to look at. Tobias didn't have much flare for design let's say. But then something caught my eye.

On the coffee table were some papers Tobias must have brought home from the control room. On them it listed Tobias's hours for the next week or so.

But that's not what caught my eye. Around the edge of the paper in large handwriting Tobias had written things about me. He must have written; Tris about a million times. Then mixed in were things like; beautiful and perfect. He must've written dozens of compliments about me.

I had no idea he liked me that much! This was surprising but also I found it kind of cute. Who knew big scary Four could be this romantic?

Creek, I heard the door open. I looked up and Tobias's face came into view. I quickly threw the papers down.

I could see Tobias's cheeks were turning red. I guess he knew what I had been looking at. But he didn't know he left it out in the open.

"Um...I got us some hamburgers and cake like your first night in Dauntless" He says attempting to break the awkward silence.

"Let's eat I'm starving"I say grinning up at him.

Tobias goes into the kitchen and comes back out with plates and utensils. As he sets the table I ask him;

"So Tris is so beautiful huh?" He blushes even more if that's possible. Instead of saying anything he just shrugs.

"Oh come on I think it's cute!" I say. And it's the truth. I never knew Tobias thought about me in that way and to know it just makes me like him even more.

"Anyway what are your friends choosing as jobs?"He says attempting to switch subjects.

"Uriah will probably chose leader so Peter won't chose it."I say picking up my hamburger and starting to eat.

"Smart decision."Tobias comments.

"Then Peter will probably chose fence guard" I continue.

"Nice and far away from Dauntless" Tobias mentions. I smile at the thought.

"Lynn and Marlene, I have no idea. Christina wants Lauren's position." Tobias groans because he would have to work with her. I giggle.

"Then she would probably work in some clothing store and probably buy out the whole thing simultaneously." I joke. Tobias laughs. His laugh sounds warm and kind, not at all like Four from initiation. It makes me feel warm inside.

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