What a great day

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Ugh, my mom is forcing me go to school today despite what happened. Or what had almost happened. She said that I can't live my life hiding in the dark. I roll my eyes, swing open the door, and sit on the porch steps to make sure I have all of my homework. I dust off my clothes and start walking. SPLASH! A black SUV speeds through a huge brown puddle, covering me with the murky water. I try to squeeze some out of my clothes but it's useless. I continue my death march to the prison that is Clementine High School.
As I stroll down the hallways, loud sloshing sounds come from my shoes. Everyone looks up from their phones and stops talking. They all stare at me. My heart is beating rapidly. Thump! Thump! Thump! "Shut up", I scold my heart. I rush down the hallway as everyone spread rumors and snicker at me.
I go into the nurse's office and quickly shut the door behind me. The nurse turns around and her face turns ghostly pale. She says, "Oh my, what on earth happened to you?" I fill her in about my morning. She ends up calling my mom, who shows up 10 minutes later to take me home. She can tell that I don't want to talk about what happened, so she blasts the music so loud that it feels like we're at a concert.
When we get home, I go straight up to my room, lock the door, and head to the shower. Twenty-five minutes later, I come out of the shower, dressed in a white top and jeans. I sit on the edge of my bed listening to music while drying my hair. Yes, beautiful peaceful music. The only good thing in this world.
I eventually fall asleep, but at around 2 in the morning I'm jolted awake by a noise. My eyes snap open and I see what appears to be the same dark figure from school trying to crawl out the window. "Who they heck are you and what the hell are you doing my room?" I scream. I notice that he has something in his hand. It takes me a minute to realize that it's a framw with a picture of me from my 8th grade graduation.
I jump out of bed and charge towards him, but the figure is faster. He leaps out of the window and runs off into the sea of midnight blue floating with the illuminating stars.
It's 11:03 a.m. and I'm sitting in history. My teacher drones on about the French Revolution, but nobody is listening including me. I realize that everyone is looking at a post with a very unflattering picture of me and talking about my "pill incident" and hospitalization.
Kylie Soroma, one of the most popular girls in school, turns around and says to me "Wow, I didn't know you were mentally troubled. Maybe it happened when your dad abandoned you". Then to everyone else she says, "Make sure you guys watch what you say around her".
My blood boils with anger as I fight back my tears. I can't believe that we used to be best friends once upon a time ago. That was until we reached high school and Kylie dropped me because her popularity rose and left me in the shadows. 

I run out of the classroom and through the hallway with no destination in mind. I can't hold back the waterworks anymore. My vision is blurred and I slam into someone. "Sorry" I mumble to the blonde girl that I crashed into. I get up, dust myself off, and escape through the double doors. The blonde girl calls after me, but I'm so far that I can't hear her.

I let my legs take over and carry me to anywhere that isn't here.

Subconscious ImaginationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon