Chapter 11: Awake

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It was now the second day of the shows and there was a letter at everyone's doors once again. Finnball opened the door and gave the letter to Ash.

"Ok tonight's song is 'Art of Love' by Guy Sebastian" Ash said and trailed off at the end and became quite interested in the floor.

"That was the song that Squid sung for Nicole" Stampy sighed

"Yeah, I hope he's ok" Finnball added

"Hey, I just had an idea" Ash said

"Really, that's new" Finnball laughed earning a shove from Ash

"What is it Ash" Stampy chuckled

"Why don't we just go and visit Squid today" Ash said

"Yeah that would be great" Finnball agreed.

Tom stayed quiet and was in his own world, remembering what happened last night. A tear rolled down his face.

"Tom, you ok?" Ash asked

"What? Yeah I'm fine, just worried about Squid that's all" Tom said

"Well, we were just thinking about going to visit him today" Stampy said

"What really? Can we go now?"

"Yeah sure, come on guys" Ash said running out the door.

The hospital was only a half hour drive away from where they were. When they arrived they were told by the lady at the desk that Squid was on floor 10 and in room 501 and then they raced off.

"Wait, isn't floor 10 where the really injured patients are?" Ash asked

"Um yes that is. Oh no" Stampy stated.

This made Tom really worried and he bolted for the stairs with the others trying to catch up. When he reached floor 10 he waited for them, he couldn't bare go in Squid's room alone. When Ash, Stampy and Finnball had caught up and were heading towards the room, a doctor came out.

"Oh, you must be David's brother" the doctor said

"Yes how did you know?" Tom asked

"Your brother has been calling your name quite a lot and I have seen you boys on TV"

"Can you tell me how badly injured he is?"

"Yes I can, the cut was quite deep but just barely missed his lung and he has lost a lot of blood but other than that, he's fine"

"Well thank you doctor and can we see him?"

"Yes you may"

When the boys walked in they saw Squid lying in bed asleep without his shirt on and a bandage wrapped around his chest area covering the wound. There was also a drip connected to his arm.

The boys went to the side of the bed and sat down.

"I can't believe that Michael did this to him" Ash said

"Yeah but anyway, forget about Michael, what will tell, the others, especially Nicole?" Stampy asked

"Oh yeah, forgot about her, it won't be pretty, she is so over-protective of him" Tom said.

Squid could hear people talking and recognised one voice to be Tom's and woke up.

"Tom, is that you?" Squid asked

"Yes it is Squid, I'm right here along with the rest of the band" Tom said and Squid smiled

"I hate Michael"

"Join the club" Finnball sighed

"So you wondering how Nicole would act?"

"Yeah we were and I know what happens" Tom said

"Yep I remember, I can tell you now, I was scared of her for a week, boy I couldn't face that fury ever again but, I'll have to" Squid explained and then got a sharp pain in his chest and cringed.

"You ok Squid?" Finnball asked

"Yeah, my chest just gets a pain in it every now and then but I'm cool. I miss doing the shows already"

"Well maybe when you return, we could make your entrance the best entrance possibe" Ash said

"Oh and you know the song you sang for Nicole?" Stampy questioned

"Yeah Art of Love?" Squid said

"Well, that's the song we are singing we found out" Tom said

"What? That is unfair"

"Yeah we know but you get to see whose better, you or us. If Michael didn't do this to you then we would have put you in lead and forced Nicole to come onto the show and perform" Ash joked

"Haha well I am coming back next week or later and I can't do shows for another 3-4 weeks but don't tell anyone about me returning. Keep it secret until I do shows again"

"Yes sir Squid sir" Stampy said and saluted which made them all laugh. Squid limited his laughing so he wouldn't hurt himself anymore.

"Well we really should be going, we have to practice for tonight" Ash said

"Ok see you guys later when I return" Squid said as they left.

"Now do you guys feel better?"

"Yeah sure, now let's do this for Squid" Tom shouted.

There's one chapter for today. Up above you can see what Jacki looks like from 35WIL.

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