Chapter 7

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Colby's P.O.V

"Now let's play my game" She said. What did she mean her game, and why is she so mad I didn't even mean to call her a hoe I like her no not even I love her, but I don't know what I'm going to do I have an fiancé, and well I don't really feel the love no more I just need to move on I can't live the rest of my life not happy because I don't want to leave my fiancé or break her heart I need to leave her even if Abigail doesn't come to be my girlfriend I'll still try because I KNOW I LOVE HER

   Abigail's P.O.V

Me and Jon went back to the hotel and I decided to tell Jon if he knew that Colby had a fiancé

"Hey Jon did you know that Colby had a fiancé?" I said and he looked at me shocked that I even knew that he had a fiancé

"Yes..." He said

"What the heck you knew all along and know you decided to tell me when I already knew, and you do know that Colby is cheating on his fiancé" I said

"Look Colby is losing his feeling for her he is going to break up with her calm down" He said

"Fine" I said pissed off now because everyone knew except me I feel so stupid right now.

"Could you stop begin mad I hate seeing you mad" He said

"How can I stop begin mad when I kissed someone's fiancé!!"

"Okay I'm sorry I didn't really think that Colby would take it that far but come on people make mistakes even you" Jon said and he was right it may be lying but we all make mistakes and we all learn from them but did I didn't really think Colby's made a mistake he meant to do what he did but I already have enough things to worry about and I need sleep so I went to the bathroom and took a shower and put this on  when I came out of the bathroom I saw that Jon already went to bed so I hopped on to bed on laid my head on his chest and fell asleep


When I woke up I saw that Jon was gone and he left a note

*I left to the gym with the guys be back in 2 hours

After I read the note I took a shower and I put my outfit of the day on  and I left the hotel room because I was going out with the girls for breakfast


We all arrived to some random place to have breakfast and I hugged Nikki. Brie, AJ, Paige, Emma, and Natalia, and when we all sat down we were all talking about what we were going to were for the Halloween Divas battle royal that going to be for today, and to be honest I had no idea what I was going to be maybe a cat, cop, nurse, or myself I just can't decide what I was going to be

"Hey Abigail what are you going to be?" Nikki said

"I really don't know?" I said

"Well are you going to do anything special for Jon?" Emma said

"Maybe, if he deserves it" I said, and the other divas laughing

"Yea well for Halloween I'm going to be a cat and for John I'm going to be a sexy cop, and hand cuff him to the bed because I'm going to be in control for once in my life" Nikki said

"Oh my god Nicole" I said to Nikki this woman has a very dirty mind and she is not afraid to share it to the world

"How about you Brie" I said

"She's probably going to be a plant, and I bet it's going to give Daniel a boner" Nikki said as brie through a piece of bread at her as all the divas laughed at her

"It's not funny guy's" Brie said

"Yes it is" I said laughing to the point where I cannot breath


When I got back to my room I got my bag and left to the arena and I entered the divas locker room and show that Nikki wasn't lying that she was going to be a cat, and brie was Daniel Bryan and the other divas had their own costumes on and well I still need to put mines now because it's going to take some time


I looked in the mirror and saw how my costume looked and it looked good  and now it was time for the Divas battle royal so I made my way to the gorilla and I was right after Nikki then my theme music blasted out through the hole arena when people saw my costume they were surprised to see that I was wearing and that it was actually appropriate and not slutty


"Wait hold on before we start I have one question for Abigail Knight and that is what in the world are you wearing" Nikki said laughing

"I'm a skeleton" I said plainly

"No I know, but you're a diva you need something to entertain people with" Nikki said

"What do you mean Nikki? That divas are supposed to be for the entertainment for man well if you do then let me get something straight with you WE divas we are here to do what we love and that my friend is wrestling not for the entertainment of men do you see what kind of example you are setting for children around the world that want to be a diva, and you're telling them to dress to impress men, and that's why this divas division is falling apart do to divas like you and that's why I'm here to change that!" I said to Nikki while all the audience cheered me on

"Now we can start the match" I said as me and Nikki came charging at each other and I was dominating, but then I feel someone grab my hair and by someone I mean Brie Bella then came a swarm of divas attacking me and the Bella's oh god here we go


It was me and Nikki in the ring I was gonna hit the twist of fate on her but I was pulled out of the ring by Eva Marie, what the heck I was just dragged out of the ring by EVA FUCKING MARIE AND THE BELL RUNG AND NOW NIKKI IS THE WINNER IS THAT EVEN LEGAL!


When I entered the backstage area I saw Nikki and conjugated her on the win

"Good job Nikki" I said

"Thanks, but that was an unfair win, and are you mad or did you already yell at Eva" Nikki said

"No I'm not mad wins and loses come and go, and I did not yell at Eva I hate drama" I said

"I like you" Nikki said as I laughed

"So did you buy a costume for your man?" Nikki said. I did, but should I even have sex with Jon I mean he's hot and he's actually very sweet wait what am I saying I think I have feelings for Jon!

""Yea I did" I said to Nikki

"I knew it, anyways bye I have to go get john and leave cause I'm getting really inpatient" Nikki said as I laughed and hugged her goodbye


I got to my hotel room and saw that Jon was there so I got into the room so I got in the bathroom and got changed in to this  and when I came out of the bathroom I saw he went to bed so I got my robe and entered the room and took off the robe and when he looked up he saw me and his face lit up like a boy's face on Christmas day and he smirked as I crawled on the bed

"Baby what are you doing" He said trying to hide his excitement

"What you mean this" I said grinding on him and he let out a moan

"You're mine" He said

"I know" I said as I kissed and nibbled on his soft spot, but then stopped me as he reversed us now he was on top of me, and I'm sure you all know what happened next                            


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