Chapter 2-Awakened

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Maya was the first to notice Riley's big brown eyes open.She was just recieving the news that her best friend that she hadn't seen in 2 years was going to wake up with long term memory loss.Millions of thoughts were clouding her judgement and the fact that Farkle was stood paralysed and Lucas was irritably walking up and down the hallway did not help.
"She....She's awake."
Maya managed to breathe out those words before pushing past the two doctors and walking into Riley's room.Farkle and Lucas followed behind Maya shortly by Dr Grey and Dr Shephard.
"Hey Peaches.I know you feel very confused right now but I just want you to know that everything will be ok and you are going to be fine and I am here for you.I am Maya,your best friend."
Riley felt a certain connection to this voice and once she looked into Maya's eyes Riley knew that she could trust her.
"Okay Miss Hart,Mr Friar,Mr Minkus we need you to wait outside for a few moments whilst we check Miss Matthews charts.We will call you back in shortly."
The three reluctantly walked out of the room and stood impatiently by the window.
"I looked into her eyes.She didn't remember me.I haven't....I haven't seen her in 2 years and the first time I do see her she doesn't even remember me....I failed her."
Lucas noticed Maya begin to cry so he walked over to her and let her collapse into his chest.
"Shhhhhh.Don't worry.This isn't your fault,none of us could've seen this coming."
Farkle just stood there staring at the doctors poke and prod Riley as if she was a toy.He could've stopped this.He knew exactly where she was and what she was doing and he could've met her somewhere or driven her to New York himself,then the accident wouldn't have happened.
"You may go in now.Please only one at a time and don't force too much onto her at once."
"When can she go home with us.I sorted it out with her parents and she can stay with me until they get back and I just want to make sure she is safe."
Maya questioned the doctors wanting to know how serious her friend's condition was.
"We will see but she should be able to leave in a week or so."
Lucas and Farkle nodded and watched the doctors walk off.
"Maya,you should go in first."
Those were the first words Farkle had spoken since arriving at the hospital.Those were the only words he could say.

"Hey Riles.Like I said earlier,I am Maya.I am...well I was your best friend.We are both 19 years old and you go to college in New Haven and I go to college in New York.You used to live in New York with me but then life happened.....I know that this is a lot to handle but I just want you to know that I will support through out the whole of this and I want you to know that you will never be replaced as my best friend.Ever......I'm gonna head out into the waiting room now and let some of the others come in.I will let them explain who they are."
Maya began to stand up when Riley's hand grasped onto hers.
"Thankyou,Maya.I don't know who you are but I feel like you are a very special person."
Maya tried to put on her best smile for Riley then walked out of the room,breaking down into tears as soon as she went through the door.
Her Riley wasn't there.What if she was going to be lost forever?
____________________________________________________________DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN
so excite
Much things too happen
So much drama
Rest my heart
But not my memories
Too soon? Too soon.
So thankyou for reading and hopefully enjoying our new book
Megan and Hannah X
*mic drop

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