In the Lion's Den

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When I came to, I found myself in a room that felt very familiar. "Eyan, it's been a long time. I have many questions for you. First, would you like some wine?" My father's uncle Tyrion sat opposite me.

"Where's Arya?" I demanded.

Tyrion tsked. "The Stark girl is with Lord Varys. Wine?" The imp offered again.

"You left her with Varys? He's sure to turn her over to the King!" I shouted.

"The girl is fine, Varys is completely unaware of her identity. Do you want wine or not?" Tyrion was getting impatient.

"We don't have time to sit here and drink! Shireen's army is at our gates!" I leapt from where I was slumped on the floor and immediately regretted that decision. My head spun and I grabbed the small table for support.

"Ah, forgive me, nephew. My sellsword Bronn wanted to cut you down but we couldn't have him slaying the Lost Prince, could we?" Tyrion smiled. "Shireen you say? As in the daughter of the late Stannis? How did you come by this information?"

I took a deep breath. As quick as I could I recounted my story, starting from why I went to Dragonstone, finding out her plan, sending the letter to Jaime, getting caught and Shireen revealing it was she who murdered my mother, escaping her in the Kingswood and finding Arya, to now. Tyrion listened intently, never saying a word until I was finished.

"I see," he mused. "I must alert Jaime. I would very much like for you to accompany me, but revealing you now would distract from the siege."

"Let me fight with you!" I pleaded. "Arya too."

"I doubt the Stark girl wants to fight for the man who beheaded her father. And you most certainly cannot go into battle. What's the point in getting the Prince back if he dies in battle?" Tyrion moved towards the door.

"Wait!" I grabbed his arm. He fixed me in a pointed glare. I immediately dropped his arm. "Just.. Shireen has Colliff, my horse, please return him to me unharmed."

Tyrion inclined his head. "Of course, Eyan." As soon as the door closed behind the small man, I ran towards the window and pushed it open. The Red Keep was a formidable fortress, but I had to get Arya and I had to fight in that battle.

I started to climb. I had no idea where Arya was, but I was determined to find her. I slid my hands along the clay wall until my hand connected with flesh.

"Eyan?" Came Arya's voice. "What in seven hells are you doing?"

"Coming to find you!" I smiled up at her and released her foot. "Join me in battle, Lady Stark?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"I'm not a lady," she kicked me. "And I'll fight for you, Eyan, but I'm not fighting for your bastard father."

I pulled her leg and we both tumbled onto a mound of hay. "Look, it's the armory!" I popped my head out of the straw to see Arya glaring at me, adjusting her shirt. I winked and grabbed a suit of armor. Arya took a leather tunic and light chainmail.

"The stables and weaponry should be nearby," I offered.

"No need, I've got Needle," she brandished the smallest sword I had ever seen. I stifled a laugh and she punched me in the stomach.

I took a broadsword and mounted a war horse. "Gods be with you, Arya."

"And you, Eyan."

We rode off towards the battle. Shireen was mine. I couldn't wait to tear her off my horse and drive a sword through her cruel heart. I would bring my father Shireen Baratheon's head.

Arya caught up to me. "I know that look, you want her dead."

"You're damn right I do. Her head will look lovely on a spike," I growled.

Arya's voice softened. "I thought you wanted to do things differently than the Kings before you."

I stared at her, bewildered. "She killed my mother. She dies." I kicked the horse away from Arya.

"Your father killed my father, and you begged me not to kill him!" She called. "Why is this any different? We were the same age when we watched our parents die."

"No one will miss her, Arya. I don't see why suddenly you have second thoughts. Either fight with me or against me," I didn't give her time to answer before galloping off into the storm of swords.

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