One//Favorite Clothing

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Maya looked at her mirror before walking out the door.

She wore air jordans, a blue aeropostale shirt, and because it was really cold, a pair of nike pants.

Maya headed out the door, not looking back at her house.


Doesn't everyone love life? Riley thought.

She hoped her day would get better. But it was impossible to believe.

Riley glanced at her clothes: gray vans, black sweater, and blue jeans.

She heard a knock on her window, meaning Lucas was here.


Lucas texted Riley, informing her that he was coming over.

Of course Riley didn't want him to come, because she already knew the reason why. Lucas told her how every Tuesday his family blesses all the bad families.

But today's Wednesday. So she wasn't looking forward to the talk they were going to have. Again.

Lucas glanced at himself, wearing black Nike shoes, jeans, and a blue shirt. Then he left to Riley's house.


Farkle danced happily out of his bathroom, holding his mother's ring. He was planning to ask out a girl from math class, Smackle. He knew about Smackle, she used to belong to another school, but she transferred to his school.

But it's not what he wanted...

Farkle glanced at his clothes: a black beanie, gray vans, a black long sleeve shirt, and dark blue jeans.

He rushed to Maya's house, forgetting the ring.


"I'm glad we talked. Again." Riley said, her and Lucas walking out the door.

Lucas smiled at Riley, knowing she meant sarcasm. He never understood why she never liked his help. It was nice of him.

"It's helping you get rid of your past," Lucas said, as they walked into the subway bus.

Riley didn't want anyone to help her with her past. She couldn't get rid of it. It will always haunt her.

"I don't want any help." Riley said, facing Lucas.


"You forgot the ring?!" Maya exclaimed. Farkle told her about how he forgot the ring, apparently realizing that right now.

Embarrassed by his actions, Farkle sped up to the bus, realizing that he rides the same bus his crush, *coughs* Lucas Friar every school day.

"Listen, I would get you the ring but I can't risk getting another detention. For you!" Maya said.

Farkle blushed a little, knowing that she would do it anyway. She was nice to Farkle and only Farkle.

*10 minutes after subway ride-school*

"Farkle!" Maya exclaimed.

"Lucas!" Riley also exclaimed.

They were at it again. All of their help trying to make them feel better, which only makes them feel worse.

All four walked in to Ms. Kossal's class, taking a seat next to each other. Like always.

"Okay class, today we will be- working on a project!" Ms. Kossal announced. The class groaned, even though art is everyone's favorite class.

Oh, but the four were happy. They just hoped they weren't going to be assigned to a partner.

"I will be assigning partners for this project because we all know what happened. Farkle." Ms. Kossal said, turning her attention to Farkle.

He put his hands up in defense.

"Hey! The principal only has a bit of yellow on her cheek. Which won't come off." Farkle said, putting his hands down.

Maya leaned to his ear. "Great work."

They all looked at the board, looking for their names.

Sarah - Yogi
Darby - Nate
Riley - Maya
Farkle - Lucas

Their eyes were wide. Maya is a bad influence, but Riley is too. Well, just a little.

Farkle might get stuck in another detention for what happened to the principal. Lucas didn't risk getting a detention.

Maya walked to Riley, and Riley walked to Maya.

Unfortunately, Maya heard about Riley. How her dad isn't her dad, her mom abusing her, her hating brother.

"Matthews!" Maya exclaimed.

Only Riley hated to be called Matthews, so she looked down, shedding a tear.

"Hey, Matthews. You okay?" Maya asked. And finally, Riley said something.

"I'm fine, okay?! I'm fine." Riley says. Riley forces a fake smile, way too easy to let Maya know it's fake.

Maya walked up to her. "You wore a fake smile."

Riley gave a wide smile. "I don't know what you mean."

Maya smirked, knowing her plans for today.

Secret Crush| RilayaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora