58- Sooner or Later...series {COMPLETE & ONGOING} by bettyboo125bo

6.2K 27 1

58.1-  Sooner or Later...You Won't Resist Me by bettyboo125bo

5,747,617+ reads                55,236+ votes

{Humor + Romance}


Isyss Dulay has been bestfriends and next door neighbors with Courtney King all her life. But along with Courtney comes her twin brother Cory, who happens to be the school's number one hottie. But Isyss doesn't like Cory and she's probably the only girl in school who doesn't; minus Courtney of course. Due to a little prank played in class one day, Isyss and Cory find themselves in a 'Im better than you' game. This game consist of sexual teasing, flirting, and taunting. Who will be victorious, leaving the guilty party lovestruck....

58.2  Sooner or Later...You'll Want Me Again by bettyboo125bo

615,680+ reads               12,047+ votes

{Humor + Romance}


Five years ago, Isyss Dulay left home to pursue her modeling career. Behind, she respectably left friends and family. Now, as a 23 year old famous supermodel, she’s returning home to the life and people she had to leave behind. She finds out that not only has the scenery changed, but the people as well. Among them all, she’s anxious and nervous to greet Cory King again. Does he still have those feelings for her? Has he moved on from her? Is he still the same cocky, arrogant, flirtatious, and fun guy he was when she left? A lot can happen in five years, some for the better…some for the worse. And Isyss is determined to make sure Cory still wants her. This time, it’s her who will be irresistible…

Rating*   :          5.7,   5.5

* - On a scale of 0 to 5 with 6 being EXXXCEPPPTIONALLLLYYY GOODDDD

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