Can I Make It Anymore Obvious

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He was a jock.
He was a nerd.
Can I make it anymore obvious?

I had watched my best friend for the past three years fall in love with the school's top jock. Not that Jack was bad, no, he was actually really nice. But as I watched Nate pine for him since eight grade, I could see that if someone, cough cough me, didn't intervene, things were going to go down a much darker road.
It was the first day of September of our junior year, which meant football practice. Which meant Jack would stay later trying to get even more buff. All of that led up to the perfect time to talk to him.

Nate and I usually hung out behind the bleachers, him drawing while listened to music and tried desperately to understand my homework.

"Hey, Nate, are you gonna go to homecoming this year?" I was casual about it. Nate looked at me and shrugged. "I dunno Abbs. It depends on whether or not I feel like it."
"Ugh, don't be a spoil sport, Nate! Come on, I could find a cute date for you."
Nate rolled his eyes and went back to his drawing. He never showed them to me, but I had once snuck a peek and most of them were of Jack.

"Fine. Listen, Nate, I know you like Jack. So grow the glitter up and ask him."
Nate looked up at me, surprised. "How di-" "Oh please, Nate. Every time he comes into your line of sight, you get all heart eyes. And before you how long I've known, it's since before you probably even knew yourself."

Nate turned and looked through the bleachers, watching as Jack jumped up and caught the ball, looking so elegant as he did.

"What if he hates gays and then everyone knows I'm gay. I'd be outcastes by everyone except you. I don't want to embarrass him either."

I winked at Nate, and looked at Jack. "That's why Abby the Amazing has just the right plan," I said wickedly. Nate just shook his head at me, then put his stuff away and stood up. "I gotta go. Mom wants me to do a whole bunch of these chores and she'll be mad if I don't get them done. I'll see you tomorrow, Abbs." He ruffled my hair and I watched him go, smirking at my new plan. Maybe I'll call it Plan Bason. Or I could go with Mates. Ooh! Natack. That's what I'll call it. Plan Natack.

It was eight o'clock before I could finally have Jack to myself. We'd only talked a handful of times, mostly for group projects, but I was confident. "Hey Jack. Got a mo?"
Jack turned and smiled at me. "Yeah, sure Abby. What's up?"

I shrugged and sat down on a bench next to where he was standing doing bicept curls. "Well, I'm doing an article about gays, and I just wanted to know what your opinion was about them." I was clever when it came to excuses, but this was by far the best because I really was on the school newspaper committee. Jack out back the weights he'd been using and sat down next to me. His dark hair and blue eyes always made him look more fragile than his body, and I could see why Nate was attracted to him.

"Well, I think that people should be able to love who they want to love, and I think that they shouldn't be afraid about telling someone. It's not the body parts that matter, it's the souls inside."

I nodded, impressed by his answer. "What would you do if you find outa gay guy liked you and wanted to take you to homecoming?" I was a little worried that he'd figure out that something was up, but he didn't look suspicious. "Well...I'm not sure what I would do. I definitely would get mad at him, but I've never been in a situation like that."

"But if you were, what would you most likely do?" I asked, studying him. "Hmmm. I guess I'd maybe politely turn him down, or tell him I'm not gay but would gladly go as friends."

"Alright, almost done," I said. "Do you know any other homosexuals that go to our school?" Jack thought for a minute before shaking his head. "No, sorry." My phone went off, the notes of Berlin by rx y playing softly. "I'm sorry, that's probably Nate. I've gotta get this," I said at the same time as answering the phone.

"Hey Nate, what's up?"
"I need your opinion. Who do you think is hotter, Channing Tatum or Jensen Ackles?
"Do I really need to answer that? You've had a crush on both of those men for, what, five years? You obviously love Tatum more."
"Now here is another question. Who is cuter, Jack or Me?"
"Definitely Jack, duh. He you ain't got nothing on him. But at least he's hot and nice."
"Ouch, I think my feelings are hurt that you don't think I'm cuter."
"Well, good, because you are too adorable to be cute. Now, I gotta go. I'm talking to Laney. Promise I'll call you when I get home."

I didn't give him another chance to speak, hanging up and smiling over at Jack. "Why'd you lie?" Jack asked with a smile. "Nate's like a brother to me, so he can get pretty overprotective. If he knew I was with a guy, alone, I'm sure he wouldn't leave me alone for the rest of the year."

Jack laughed. "It's good to have friends like that in life. I know my mom would probably do the same."

"Thanks for talking, Jack. I gotta go, but I enjoyed talking to you." I stood up and left, smiling smugly as I walked out of the weight room. Plan Natack was was a go!

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