It didn't last long, because Jared just had to break the calming silence with a thunderous sneeze. We all turned to him with glares, which he returned with a sheepish smile. I huffed and stood up, wiping pieces of grass off of my bum and back. I turned to the others that were also getting up.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go home so that I can change out of these nappy clothes,"I said, waving at them goodbye.

They waved back, and Samantha and Jared even agreed with me. We all headed to our cars. I hopped into the front seat of my truck, put the key in the ignition, turned it, and...nothing. I tried it again and again but still my car refused to come to life. I let out a loud groan and plonked my head onto the steering wheel. 

My groan must have been pretty loud, because the next thing I know, there is a slight tapping on my window. I look up to find Jared looking at me with a concerned expression clear on his face. I opened the car door and looked at him sadly.

"What's wrong?"

"My car won't start,"I whined.

He seemed thoughtful for a moment, before saying,"I'm sorry. I would drive you, but you are on the complete other side of the town that me."I nodded.

"S'Okay. I'll just catch a ride with someone else. You go ahead and get home,"he walked away hesitantly, before bidding goodbye to his girlfriend and driving away.

I got out of my car and slammed the door before making my way back to Sean, Jessica, Aarron, and Luke. They all gave me confused looks, but I just waved the looks off and headed towards Jessica.

"My car won't start. Do you mind driving me home? I'll call a tow later to take it to the mechanic,"I said.

She shook her head and gave me a smirk,"Luke practically lives in your neighborhood. Plus, I'm sure he would love to give you a ride."She winked and a gave her my best glare. Then, we both turned to Luke, who looked lost in space,"Wouldn't you Luke?"

That caused Luke to break out of his daze and look around confused,"Wouldn't I what?"

"Drive Isabelle home, silly,"she said, as I stood behind her and shook my head wildly making no motions.

"Sure."Now he and Jessica had identical smirks and were looking at me expectantly, even Sean and Aarron had joined in on it.

"Fine,"I huffed and followed a smiling Luke to his car. I climbed into the passenger seat and we were off, but not before spotting a wildly waving set of weirdos sharing goofy grins.

 I shook my head at there stupidity, before deciding that I was going to seize this chance. If I was going to be forced into a car ride with Luke, then I was going to at least get some answers out of them. But first, I typed out a quick text to Jessica:

Whatever you and Sean did to my truck, you better fix it. Now!

I didn't get a reply, but I know that they got it and were taking my threatening text seriously. I was going to have there heads as soon as this whole ordeal was over. I turned in my seat to face Luke, taking a deep breath and trying to figure out what to ask.

"Why are you acting all jealous?"I finally asked.

"What do you mean?"he asked nervously, trying to play dumb. Good thing he chose to be a musician instead of an actor, he sucked at lying.

"You know what I mean, now answer the question!"I demanded, losing my patience. God, this guy turned me into a completely different person.

"Okay, chill,"he gave me a glance before returning his eyes back to the road,"I'm jealous, okay? What else is there to it?"

Redneck Romeo [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now