Chapter 13

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I tried to open my crusty eyes but I couldn't.

After trying again it worked.

"Dafuq?" I said.

The bright hospital room light that isn't actually the bright was blinding me.

Luke was siting in a chair on my right taking selfies with Bryan.

"I'm awake guys!" I said demanding attention.

"Cool." Luke responded before doing a different pose.

"I said I'm awake!" Repeating myself

"And I said cool so fuck off so I can take some more pictures with Bryan. "

Luke can't just disrespect the kween like that.

I was about to roll up out of the bed and slap a bitch but the doctor came in.

"Hello Iggy you seem to be doing well."

"I'm chill."

"Chill chill, well I'm gonna let you rest a shitz like that but these were found on the road."

The doctor pulled my eyelashes out of his pocket.

My face turned red as Luke and Papi giggled in the corner.

"thank you."


They released me from the hospital cause I was being an annoying bitch.

When we got to the house Luke and Bryan hugged each other goodbye.

"And make sure Ashton and Bryana get back together because otp. " Bryan shouted while walking backwards to his car.

"Will do." Luke said smiling

"Where my food at?" I questioned as I busted into the door.

"Grace, darling I'm sorry but we ate it. "

"Yea it was good too." Luke said rubbing his tummy.

" I hate my life." I mumble

"Same." Luke said

"Why you have me in it."

"That's the reason why." Luke said before going up to bed.

My parents laughed in the corner.

"You just got slayed." My dad said.

"FML" I yelled

"No dear I will not feed you Luke. Have some manners."

I  ignored her and went on Twitter once again bitching about random stuffs.

Arzaylea is getting sued  was trending


I clicked on the trend and saw many things.

'She's going to lose and have Luke pay for it.'

'She's too stupid to come up with her own ideas lmao'

The worst one was an Orange is the New Black cover with my faces edited on. 

'She's going to end up behind bars.' The caption said.

I turned on my phone and pouted.

"Stop being so salty Arzaylea." Dad said

Luke and ArzayleaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang