Chapter 8

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Da bitch's pov (Arzaylea)
I continued on like I didn't just ruin a good portion on Luke's life.

Giving Bryan an flirtatious wave, I walked out the door.

I saw lewk sat on the corner, head in his hands and body shaking.

"Get up loser we're going home." I told him with no sympathy. He didn't deserve any. All he had to do was go on my side of the conversation.

"I may be a loser but I'm alright with that. And no. I will not go anywhere with you."

"Suit yourself." I said shrugging. I bent down and grabbed the keys to his car out of his jacket pocket.

"Hey Arzaylea give that back!" Luke commanded.

"I'm not your bitch Luke. Sucks to suck." I shouted back as I got farther away from him.

He didn't get up and chase after me. Rolling my eyes, I opened the door to the car and drove away. If he wants his car back he has to get it himself.


I wish that I could wake up with amnesia.

My own song playing in my head as I shamefully walked to my girlfriends house to get my car. I honestly hate her so much and I wish I had enough courage to break up with her.

When I completed the 20 minute walk I stood outside her door.

The big ass house that I know she didn't buy towered over me. My car was just a few feet away but the bitch had the keys.

I was about to raise my hand to the door to know but I saw two shadows behind the curtains.

One looked like a girl and one looked like a guy.

"Fucking hell Arzaylea." I mumbled not even caring anymore.

I sadly walked to Michael's house leaving my car there.

"Cuddles?" I questioned when I made it to his door.

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