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Setting; Explained version

The story is a mixture of Human Au-Gakuen Au- and the normal version

Actually i havent though well i did but soon forgot the plot only the ending

So here's how it goes

The countries actually go to school for fun. They vs till kept their responsibilities as the representative of each given country

You do know the episode in Hetalia where they are all Students AND A representative right?

The Human Au was Given for it's Human name was used

Amelia the teacher is a human only

And the Amelia now is actually the Fem!America...

The reason why arthur and alfred died because they gave birth to the two which would technicaly be the new representative of their parents

Canada was actually with Prussia here

The jobs that they owe is just a undercover for them selves.

Sorry if this is so fucked up TuT i just wanna write a book but in the end it turned out epicly ugly and random

I hope you guys understand and well


I'll make sure to make a story that actually stayed in the plot

Another you actually stayed in plot but why not this--//slapped and cries

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