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[4:21 PM]
Jane: Hey....Why do you like Jay?! He's a villain kid....You hate VK's don't you??
Ally: So....A villain kid likes you too!
Jane: Well.....I....I don't like him back! Or....Do I........?
Ally: Very curious....
Jane: Curious about what?
Ally: You liking Carlos...I can see it in your message....
Jane: Well....Uh....You see.....
Jane: Why do you like Jay?
Ally: Because. He's so dreamy! With that long hair of his! I'm curious how long it took to grow it that long!
Ally: So how about Carlos? I know you like him....
Jane: I don't! Well, actually.....
Ally: You do like him!
Jane: SHHHH! Keep it a secret between us!
Ally: Your secret is safe with me!

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