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[4:34 PM]
Jane: Maaaaaal!!!
Mal: Yees? Magical talking dragon?
Jane: Come to the Chemistry Lab!
Mal: Ooo! I'll skip the way!
Jane: Skip? Oh....skip as in skipping....Not....Ok.....
Mal: I hate Doug, Evie, and you for this....
Jane: Hey! At least you're back to normal and not all girly!
Mal: Eh.
Jane: Wait, you miss being girly don't you!!!
Mal: Pfffffffft! Whaaat? No!
Jane: You do!
Mal: I don't -_-
Jane: Do!
Mal: Don't!
Jane: Do!
Mal: Don't!
Jane: You do.
Mal: You're dead.
Jane: This is not a nice way to say thank you!!!

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