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[1:32 PM]
Ally: Hey! You're Fairy Godmother's daughter right?
Jane: Yep!
Jane: did you find my phone number?
Ally: Well...I am the daughter of Alice. I was curious that you left your phone unattended.
Jane: So you.....
Ally: Yes, yes I did.
Ally: Why is this girl with purple colored hair skipping and twirling?
Ally: I mean this is Auradon right? I've been in Wonderland too long that I forgot what Auradon kids do....
Ally: But this purple haired girl....She looks like a VK I have see before....
Jane: You have....You danced on stage with 5 other of them was her.....
Ally: Oh? Mal? That's her name right? I think I might have gotten a little mad with the Mad Hatter's special tea....
Ally: It's my unbirthday you know!
Jane: Haha......Don't worry....We're all mad here....
Ally: Wait, so she is a villain kid! Why is she acting that way?
Jane: Doug........Evie........Potion.........Blah Blah........Machine..........Fix
Ally: Uh oh!! I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!!!!
Jane: Bye.....?

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