Chapter Three

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Marlton had been driving for what seemed like days, but was probably only seven or eight hours. Suddenly, his car started to slow and eventually stopped. Marlton checked the gas meter and saw that it was empty. In frustration, he banged his head on the steering wheel and swore under his breath. He swung open the door and started walking along the deserted road. It was extremely foggy and he was barley able to see. A figure emerged out of the fog and he raised his guns.
"Try shooting me and I'll rip your throat out before you can even pull the trigger." A girls voice yelled.
"Please, I-I I'm just trying to survive, like you." Marlton shakily replied
The figure moved towards him, and standing in front of him was the most beautiful women he had ever seen. She was tall, not as tall as him though, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes that could stare into your soul. She was wearing a red plaid shirt that was tied up, so her stomach was exposed, and blue ripped jeans with black combat boots.
"Maybe we could, uh, try and work t-together?" Marlton nervously asked, lowering his five-seven's.

Misty's POV

Misty still had her Remington aimed at the guys head. If he even flinched then she wouldn't hesitate in pulling out her knife and slitting his throat. This guy was at least five inches taller than her but she could easily take him if she had to. He didn't seem like a threat though, he had lowered his guns, and he looked scared.
"What's your name?"
"Where have you come from?"
"I worked in Nevada, I-I drove here but my car ran out of gas, I, uh, don't suppose you have any idea what happened to the world?" Marlton stuttered. Misty slowly shook her head to say no and lowered her gun, she knew this guy wasn't going to hurt her.
"Name's Misty." She said, offering a hand for him to shake. He reluctantly shook it (just thinking about the amount of germs on her glove made him gag) whilst avoiding eye contact with her.
"Where were you planning on heading?" Misty asked whilst slinging her Remington on her back.
"I'm not sure, anywhere that is safe." Marlton replied.
"I don't think anywhere is safe no-more." Misty said, and with that she started walking along the abandoned road with her new ally by her side.

Hey to whoever is reading, if you have time please check out the amazing writer and my best friend teenyvampire . She is also writing a MarltonXMisty fanfiction and it's so good!

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