Cassidy Combustion and Lapis Coballero trailer

Start from the beginning

"Ah! Do you know who the hell I am?!" He yelled, many of the people already evacuating as men in suits remained, walking forward.

"James White, next in line to the Blanca crime family. You're the reason me and my friend got in an argument."

"I don't give a fuck! What are you bastards waiting for?! Break her!" James yelled at the men in the suits, 40 in total. They all brandished axes as they attacked the girl. When they closed in, brown eyes glowed blue as Lapis's body glowed. She threw her arms forward, a force of aura pushing them away.

"If I beat you down and take you to jail, Shade won't have any excuse not to accept my transcript. But my friend didn't want to do that! 'Combat schools are stupid. Look Lapis, I'm catching a train to Vale. I need a break from you.' What does that even mean?! We don't even go out!" She said, changing her voice to imitate a stupid sounding voice at the quote. She dodged a axe swing, kicking the assaulter in the face.

"Lady, I don't ca-"

"I mean, combat schools help refine our form! And again, we don't go out! I mean he's handsome and I mean I wouldn't mind, but he wouldn't agree to something like that. He Hates relationships. Sometimes I think he was in a really bad relationship, or maybe he had a girlfriend and she died. You get the message?" She said as she kicked a man's wrist, making the axe above him fall and clock him in the head. "You get the message. I just wish he'd see it from my point of view." Lapis said, more than half of the men out.

"You're all USELESS!" James yelled, grabbing his phone and hitting a side button for walkie talkie, "Gimme more men!"

"Rushing in sir!"

Just then, 30 more men in suits ran into the club, completely surrounding Lapis. She inwardly cursed as she reached in her pockets, pulling out and putting on pure white gloves with grey designs on them. She rubbed it on the outside of her thighs a few times, confusing the men. They stared dumbly as she stopped and revealed the designs on her glove turned red.

Lapis lunged forward, palming a man away with explosive results. She continued beating on the men viciously.

"The gloves are dust conductive! Her clothes are dust infused! Don't let her rub the dust in from her clothes!" One of the goons yelled, but it was to late. By the time the had regained themselves, Lapis was done rubbing her coat, the gloves glowing a light blue. She blocked a forward kick from one of her assaulters, spinning around the leg after, palming it, then his arm and head, each part becoming frozen.

She was down to the Last 20, taking out the whole 40 from the first wave and 10 from the new. She was lightly panting as her eyes darted around for a way out.


Lapis turned, eyes wide at an axe already coming to split her head open. 'How the heck did he get in my guard?!' She shut her eyes and braced herself for the after life.

"... That was less painful than I thought... And it's so...dark." Lapis said to herself, staring into nothingness.

"That's because your eyes are closed stupid."

Lapis opened her eyes, seeing a blonde mane of hair and a bat attached to the persons back. The new arrival turned his head to look back, showing fiery red eyes and lightly tanned skin. He wore a black vest over a white T-shirt. He had black, faded jeans on and black high tops.

"Cassidy! I thought you were on a train to Vale!?!"

Cassidy have a large sigh, "Don't remind me. Wasted 130 lien on that ticket, but if I left you, you would probably start a fight with the next in line for the Blanca fam-is that the next in line for the Blanca family?" Cassidy asked, staring at James.

"Heh heh..."

"...Go sit down somewhere and rest."

"Thanks! High five!" Lapis yelled with her hand up. Cassidy kept his hands in his pocket. Lapis's eyes suddenly became bigger. No reaction. They began shaking. Still nothing. They began to water as she whimpered a bit.

"Fine." Cassidy said as he finally high five'd her.

"Yaaay." She said non-chalantly as she jogged past the men, sitting at the bar and sipping a random drink through a straw.

"What the hell did we just watch?"

"A real life anime, I think?"

"What are you idiots doing?! Get her!"

"Ah ah ah!" Cassidy yelled as he decked the grunt closest to him. He grabbed the baseball bat from his back and grinned viciously.

"Watch out! That bat might have functions an-" the grunt that spoke out was whacked in the head with it and flew out of a window.

"Slugger?" Cassidy asked as he hit two more with his bat. "Nah, he's all natural." He cracked 3 more. "But Tiny Tina isn't." He said as he pulled out a pistol.

The men actually backed away, holding each other back as he pointed it around. Cassidy pulled the trigger, making everyone flinch, and a bang came out. Literally, a little flag that said bang. The grunts were mad now and began moving forward. Then the bang fell out...and a grenade shot.

Needless to say, Cassidy made quick work of the grunts and he and Lapis closed in on James.

"Ok ok, look, what do you guys want? Money? Here's my wallet, there's like 3 grand in there cash!" Cassidy reached for it, but Lapis smacked his hand.

"Bad! No money taking!" She looked back to James, "Nope, we wanna put you in jail so we can go to Shade!" Lapis said with excitement, her closed eye smile was the last thing he saw before a palm knocked him out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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