Hazel Tomah trailer

Start from the beginning

The second they got within distance, she stomped her boot, activating them. Before the two could react, she dropped to one hand and brought her legs around, using a Capoira sweep to knock them down, still going in a full rotation, she dropped her foot on ones head as she grabbed the others body.

Hazel used her already swinging body as leverage to pull the grunt and herself up, using him as a human shield. She ran at the closest rifleman as they all began shooting and she kicked the grunt she was using to the rifleman near, knocking him over. She heard the sound of running and ducked a axe that would've chopped her head off.

She put both her hands on the ground and mule kicked the grunt in his jaw, taking him out. She went into a handstand and began dancing around them, making the grunts even angrier. This girl already took out 5 of them and they couldn't land any hits on her. Every time they did a downward stab, her body was at and angle to continue her dance, every time they slammed an axe, she'd hop aside and hop again to go back in her handstand.

Then it happened, she did a perfect split while in her handstand and the grunts actually stopped and looked.

"Pervs!" Hazel suddenly yelled, her boots activating and fire shoot from them, making her spin like a top. She became a flaming top of doom and actually took out all of the grunts...but that caused a big problem.

Hazel felt a hard impact in her stomach, pain that went past her aura shield! She was knocked of balance rolling to see...a ball with bumps on it. Was that a blitzball?

"Dis betta be da las time Don sends me to help da Tigre family. Why da hell am I helping?! They hate us!"

Hazel shook the stars from her eyes and got up, seeing a guy her age walk from across the street. He had blue trousers on with a chest plate and pad on his left shoulder, his tribal tattoos open for the world. He wore a blue headscarf over his forehead and his hair was orange-ish and styled in a Mohawk.

"Yo, I don really wanna hurt you. Just gimme da diamond back and I'll tell dem you got away."

Hazel looked at the man, then back at her boots. Still enough burn dust for a fight.

"That's kind of the thing. I sold it already." Hazel said as she jumped at the man and shot fire from her boots for a boost. She flipped before she got to him and kicked him dead in his chest, pushing him back.

"Yo, I'm serious, I don't wanna hurt you!" The guy yelled out as he dodged more kicks from her. Hazel jumped and spun, delivering a kick to his face, but it was caught.

"Ah, that hurt even when I caught it!"

"You don't want to hurt me? Why because I'm a girl?!" Hazel asked angrily.

"Ya!" The guy admitted, nodding his head. Hazel grit her teeth and hopped, bringing her other leg up and using burn dust to propel her kick and hit him right across his jaw, making him 180 while holding his chin.

"Alright, I tried da easy way, ya?" He held his hand out and the ball snapped to his hand, he 180'd back around and smashed the ball into Hazel. Hazel brought her arms up in an X to protect herself, but still flew back, bouncing off the ground and skidding.

Hazel was mad and hopped, stomping both feet. The gauge on the side of them began cycling to blue as she began kicking ice dust rounds at him. She charged forward, anger taking over and began an all out attack, lowering herself to a ginga stance and began throwing attacks left and right.

The guy was more level headed though, blocking her hands and checking her kicks. She was angry and he would exploit all the holes in her defense. He saw a swing coming and instantly ducked it, going around her and wrapping his arm around her stomach. He pulled and let go, flinging her hard at a wall. While she bounced off the wall, the blitzball came back into play, knocking her back into it.

Police sirens began blaring everywhere and they were coming closer. Apparently gun shots at this hour warranted attention. The guy called his blitzball back and turned it back to its dormant form to carry. He looked back at the girl and after a second of thinking, ran back and tried to help her.

"Hey, c'mon da police are coming." He said trying to pull her up. She pulled her arm back and out from his grip.

"Leave me alone, I can get out of this myself."

"Don be stupid, da police are gonna take you in!"

"Then let them!"

"Ahhhh, you suck, you know dat?! Da Tigre family got people in jail! You ain't safe there either! Gah, fine!" He said, scratching his head in frustration, then running off.

Hazel shakily rose herself up. She hugged the wall as she limped to the end of the street. A limousine pulled up with the back door opening. She saw an old man in martial arts clothing and long ear lobes.

"No need to worry, we won't hurt you. Please, come in."

Hazel looked away, hearing the sirens get closer and weighed her options. She got in the limousine and it drove away.

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