Challenge 1

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"Deck the halls with boughs of holly!" Kylie sang out on the first day of December. She was most definitely a Christmas person.

"Fa la la la la, la la la la!" Her best friend, Sarah sang back.

"Shut up!" Brady yelled as us. He hated the over commercialization of Christmas.

"You know, you should be more happy. There's only twenty four more days until the big day, Christmas!" Kylie said, turning on the tv and plopping down next to him.

Kylie immediately turned the channel to ABC Family, knowing some type of Christmas movie would be on. They had original planned to have a marathon at Kylie's house, but they went to Sarah's instead.

Sarah sat down and said, "I love The Grinch! So glad it's the real version."

"No way. The cartoon version is so much better," Kylie commented.

"This is boring; let's do something fun." Brady suggested.

"I know what to do! Sarah, get another calendar, we'll need it!" Kylie jumped up and ran to the kitchen to grab a permanent marker.

By the time Kylie made it back, Sarah was again cuddled up next to Brady.

"Give me your phone's," Kylie demanded. They handed over their phones, since they knew how persistent Kylie was.

Kylie downloaded Christmas countdown and handed them back their phones. Sarah looked completely amused, while Brady looked irritated and unhappy.

"I should have known," Brady muttered.

"Yep, you should have. I have to go, guys. You two stay safe." Kylie grabbed her coat and made her way outside. Even though it wasn't snowing, the Midwest weather did not lighten up.

Kylie drove to her house, considering she was seventeen and had gotten her driver's license a few months ago. It took ten minutes maximum to make it there.

Upon arrival, Kylie yelled hi throughout the house and ran up to her room, all before taking her coat off. She hung the calender up with a tac and stepped back.

It was settled, this calendar was her official Christmas countdown. She crossed off November twenty ninth and thirtieth. She happily took off her coat and turned on the tv to watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

Thank you thank you thank you for reading this chapter! This was a very sudden thing, I just said hey, what the heck? And decided to write this.

I'll update every two days, with the exception of a few because I want to end right on Christmas. This is a good pass time, and if there's one thing you should know, it's that I love Christmas sm.

Above is the main character, Kylie and her friends. I almost poked my eyeball out when I picked such a cliche name, but there's some normal person in the world named Kylie, right?

But she's just like in me, in love with Christmas. I think this challenge is called Deck the Halls or something like that. I need to stop talking now.

Thx for reading! See you Dec. 3! Also, that's Kylie in the media. I think she's really pretty but she's a random tumblr girl I found on the internet and I was like, that's going to be Kylie. Sarah is Rachel McAdams. Brady is David Henrie.

Okay for real this time. See you December 3!

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