The Bag: Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

"No. Ashlyn. You don't get it! He is bad news! Their is stuff about him you don't know. He isn't good for you!" He yelled back. People started crowding around us but we both ignored them.

"So who is good for me DAD?!" I screamed at him while crossing my arms.

"Don't even play the "dad" card with me Ashlyn. I'm just trying to protect you" he said, his voice getting softer.

"Protect me from what? From finding love? Maybe Travis and I are meant to be together" I sighed.

"That's not what I mean Ashlyn" he tried to grab my arm but I pulled it away.

"You told me to stay away from you, so I did. Now I'm telling you" I paused and leaned towards him, "stay away from me" I whispered.

I shoved him back, turned and went to my class. Murmurs flooded the halls as I walked by.

"The nerd has some sass" I heard someone say.

Yes. Yes I do.

Why does Brandon even care who I talk to? He has no control over my life!

I'm going on the date tonight and that's final.


"Alright great practice today! Don't forget about the benefit show next week!" My dance instructor shouted to us while we all filed out of the studio.

"Good job guys" I said to spencer and Kris.

"Thanks" they replied back.

"So what's up with you guys?" I asked siting beside them.

"We should be the ones asking you that" Spencer said.

"Why?" I brought a knee up to my face and rested my chin on it.

"We heard that you're going out with Travis" Kris said.

"Oh yeah. What's the big deal about it? Brandon is really against it too" Saying Brandon's name made my blood boil.

"It's just how Travis is" Kris sighed.

"Why? What is so wrong with him?" I asked.

"It's not important" Spencer interrupted him.

"Why can't I know?" I asked standing up.

"You will find out sooner or later. It's better if someone else tells you anyway" Spencer said motioning behind me.

I turned around to see the one and only, Brandon Smithy.

"No" I said, as I grabbed my dance bag and my regular bag.

"Ashlyn just listen to me" Brandon whined.

"No!" I screamed and threw my empty protein bar wrapper at him before storming out the door.

"Don't do anything stupid please!" Brandon yelled at me while I walked to my car.

I threw my bags in the back and drove home. I felt my phone vibrate in my hoodie pocket and I pulled it out when I stopped at a red light.

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