"Um Mrs. Glade? I think that I'd be more comfortable sitting next to her as well..." Patrick said. There was an awkward silence.

"W-we know each other well. It's fine by me," you said cutting the silence. Mrs. Glade gestured them to sit down next to you. Every now and then in the lesson, they would either give you a nice smile or glare at each other. It was now recess.

"OMG (name) you were so lucky to have them on either side of you and-"

"Hello there ladies, mind if I join you?" A voice asked behind you. You turned to see Phoenix behind you. You gave him an unimpressed look as he sat next to you.

"I must say, those are stunning glasses on you, Billie," he complimented. Billie's face went red which made you gag. She has never flirted before and this guy was her dream, well, everyone's dream.

"And that beautiful smile you have, Amanda," he said as she started to fan her pink face. You face palmed at your friends as he continued.

"The gorgeous blue eyes, it makes me think of the sky, Stacy," he said as he looked into hers.

"Well your eyes are my sky Phoenix," Stacy replied as she gazed into his love-spell. *gag*

"And as for you-"

"DON'T you even think about flirting with me..." you said in a scary tone. He only chuckled as he lifted your chin to his face.

"Why don't you want a piece of me? I can give you something different if you-"

"Don't touch me! You creeper!" You interrupted as you whacked him away. He frowned as he wiped his cheek right under his eye. He removed his hand and you saw a tear. The others gasped.

"Shame on you (name). I am hurt," he said romantically. *all this Ouran High School Host Club anime put to use :3*

"(Name!) Apologise at once!" Billie said ashamed. You looked at his hand and saw a tiny bottle that said: Eye drops

"Aha! I have proof that he is not hurt physically!" You shouted as you pointed at him like the game Phoenix Wright when you shout 'Objection!'

"Pardon me but you-"

"I did not slap you underneath the eye! I slapped your hand but you made it look like underneath the eye so that you would pretend that I slapped and you would rub the area underneath your eye and place your eye drops in your eye! And your only crying in one eye only!" You shouted as you gave a victory grin. He looked at you with a smile. You jerked a little and frowned in confusion.

"You smart little girl. I wonder what you study in," he said politely as he threw the eye drops on the table. The three screamed in fangirlingness.

"Phoenix," a boy interrupted behind you two. It was Patrick.

"Well if it isn't Patty-cake," Phoenix giggled.

"Patrick," he replied annoyed.

"Okay what is it Patty-cake?" Phoenix asked.

"You'd better stop flirting with them before that group of boys decide to beat you up," He said in a stern tone. Phoenix rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Until next time (name), my love," he said as he winked at you. You could see a little love heart out of his blow kiss and you face palmed.

"Sorry about that, he really is a pain sometimes, but quite the charmer... not that I like him or anything," Patrick said as he sat next to you.

"Well you're quite the charmer as well, considering that you two are twins
(Hikaru & Karou)," Stacy complimented. He gave an unimpressed look at her. They all just started to giggle.

"On a more concerned note, why the hell are you picking me up today? I really want to stay home," you asked him angrily. He gave no eye contact and threw a hood over himself.


"(Name!)" Amanda screamed at you.

"It's okay. I'm used to it. It happens all the time," he said in a sad tone. He pulled his sleeves up to show deep cut marks and scars. You suspected it to be a fake at first but looked closer and realised that they were real. You went wide eyed and grabbed his arm to you to have a closer look.

"Aw! I wanna touch his arm!" Stacy winged.

"What the hell?! You cut yourself!" You told him. He looked up at you and saw something like a quick vision.

You saw a woman with long green hair crying. You saw a person walk out from the shadows. It looked like... Phoenix!
"She's never going to save you. She doesn't even like you or know you. Give it up. She will hand her life over to us and all of Skyworld will be dead. Face it," he said as he held out a mini purple knife at the back of her head.

"What the hell are you doing?! Get the hell away from her!!!" You shouted as you opened your eyes. Everyone was looking at you in the cafeteria.

"Uh..." you said in embarrassment.

"Shoot," Patrick whispered to himself.

"Pi- uh... Patrick!" Phoenix called out.

"Pi- uh...Phoenix! It was an accident-"

"You'd better put on some sunglasses before I grab my bo- uh... I mean my strength and strangle you before you cause more mischief!"

"Do you not know what an accident is you an- uh... Idiot?!"

They continued to fight for the rest of the break and finally ended when class started. You absolutely hated Phoenix because in every single class he either flirted with the girls around him and flirted with the teacher to sit next to you. He failed the art teacher and got a detention for the whole period. That made you happy. But also upset because Patrick had to sit next to you. The day was finally over and you hid in a female cubical for hours because...

Patrick had to pick you up tonight.

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