The Bag: Chapter 7

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I chuckled before answering, "oh, well thanks" I blushed slightly.

"Speak of the devil" Trinity said while pointing over at Brandon's table.

I turned around to see Brandon's lips on Rylee, the school's head slut.

I tried to turn away but I couldn't. My eyes were locked on their faces. For a split second Brandon's eyes flickered to mine and a wave of something I couldn't identify washed over his face as he pushed her away, he quickly looked away from me and continued eating his salad while the bimbo was still attached to him.

I looked down at my food before sliding it over to Trinity.

"Why don't you eat?" Travis asked while eating a fry.

"Not hungry" I answered blandly.

"Oh" he said, he looked down at his phone because he got a text.

Me, being the nosy person I am, tried to look.

I could see the words: do you ...... Input ........ Gang .....

A gang? What? Maybe I shouldn't get involved with Travis...

I tried to look at the message more, but Brandon put his phone on sleep and looked over at me.

I couldn't react fast enough, and I think he saw me looking at his message, but he didn't say anything thankfully.

"So, what happened between you and Brandon?" Jordan asked.

"What do you mean?" I rose a brow. I glanced over at Travis who has stopped eating and was leaning towards me, as if he was waiting for my response.

"I mean, why you guys haven't talked in a week" Jordan said in a duh tone.

"Oh, well I sorta agreed to not talk to him ever again" I shrugged and played with the cover of my history book.

"Why is that?" Travis spoke up.

"Oh, I don't know. He just doesn't want me around I guess" I shrugged and turned towards Travis.

"Oh" Travis lightly shook his head then pulled out his phone and texted someone.

I don't believe Travis's reason on why he is around me all of a sudden and I plan to find out the real reason.


Brandon's POV*

I walked into the lunch room and spotted Ashlyn. I immediately went the opposite way of her so she didn't see me.

Every time I avoid her by looking the other way, something in my chest hurts.

Maybe I need to go see a doctor.

I walked over to my table and sat down by Rylee and Tyler.

"Hey Brandon" Rylee purred as I sat down next to her.

"Hey" I sat turning to face her.  As soon as I turned around, Rylee's lips were on mine.

My eyes flickered over to Ashlyn's table as Trinity, her best friend, was pointing at me which made Ashlyn look over. My eyes met Ashlyn's and I immediately pulled away and put my head in my hands.

What is wrong with me? The hottest girl in the school just kissed me and I couldn't even kiss her back.

I looked down at my salad and continued eating.

I kept stealing glances at Ashlyn's table but Ashlyn never seemed to look over at me.

I guess she's just following my instructions. I am the one who told her not to talk to me.

It's all my fault. The girl who I love talking to never talks to me now because of a stupid deal I made with her.

I looked over at her table again for the millionth time today and saw her talking to Travis.

Oh hell no.

Travis is bad news, I have to tell Ashlyn about him. Travis is bad for Ashlyn.

I glanced over again to see them laughing together. Anger flared in me but I stopped myself from going over there.

"Woah man, isn't that Travis over there with Ashlyn?" Tyler asked gesturing to her table.

"Yeah" I replied rather harshly.

"Isn't she your girl? You better go over there now if that's true because you know what he does. He gets girls to like him then-" I cut him off.

"She isn't my girl and I know how he is" I replied quickly.

"Obviously she isn't, did you just see the amazing kiss we just shared?" Rylee gleamed.

"Oh. Sorry man, I thought you were. When you're with her you're always more happy" he shrugged and lifted up his tray.

"I know you know what Travis is involved in so you know you need to warn her about it all" he said quietly before walking away to dump his tray.

"Yeah" I murmured to myself quietly before putting my head on the table.

The only problems is, will she believe me?


Whale I think this is short but I can't fit all of the hoopla into 1 chapter or else it'll be like 50 pages & I don't know about you, but I don't like super long chapters.


What do you think is up with Travis?

Do you think Brandon will go warn her?

^ what is Brandon going to say?

^ how will Ashlyn react?

PLEASE answer this question :
Do you think the story is moving too fast?
Thank you so much for answering!




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