~CHAPTER FIVE~ -Disappointment-

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Chihiro's POV

"Oh my gosh! Kaonashi I'm finally back!" I screamed in excitement as I pull Kaonashi in the bath house.

"Welcome! Welcome back!"


"Nice to see you!"

"Welcome back to the bath house!"

"Have a nice bath!"

I heard the workers greet the guests as they come in the bath house.

"C'mon Kaonashi let's go inside!" I tugged on his arm while jumping up and down like a four year old child excited to go in the amusement park.

"Ah. . . Don't you think Yubaba's still mad at me?" he asked me nervously


"Cause you know . . . my outrage seven years ago. . ." he said and gave me a nervous smile.

"That's okay! . . . Just apologize then." I smiled brightly at him and pulled him again and we walked to the group of workers greeting the guests.

"Welcome b- . . . Sen!" the workers screamed when they saw me.

"Sen! How are you?!"

"Wow! You've really grown!"

"You look more mature now!"

"Are you going to stay for good? . . . cause if you do you'll be a good worker with this well built body of yuors"

They all commented as they looked at my features.

"Sen! Why are you here we thought your free?" some of the workers asked and I heard someone say:

"Baka! Of course she came here for Haku!" I heard one of the yunas said and that made me blush a little >////<

Wait. . . Haku's still here? I thought he already left the bath house cause he hade his name back.

"You slackers! Get back to work or- Sen!" The foreman screamed that made me laugh a little.

"Um. . . Hi everyone nice to see you again . . . but I think you should get back to work cause the guests hate to be ignored and Yubaba and Mr. Foreman hates slackers . . . but I promise I would catch with you later . . . see ya!" I said as I pull Kaonashi again who is standing behind me like a shadow whose obviously nervous.

We walked our way to the boiler room to visit Kamaji.

"Ah. . . Chihiro we're going down there?" Kaonashi asked me as he point to the dangerous stairs that led to the boiler room. (Note: Where I did my epic stunt)

"Yes. . . why?" I asked him

"Are you sure you're not going to break another step like what you did last time?" he asked and snickered. . . . but how did Kaonashi knew that? He wasn't there when that happened . . . is he?

"How did you knew that?" I asked him curiously.

"I dunno." He said simply as he started going down the wooden stairs and I quickly followed him.

After we went down the stairs SAFELY (of course I carefully took each step not wanting to be embarassed infront of Kaonashi) I hurriedly went to the door of the boiler and opened it. When I opened it I quickly felt the rush of hot air blow my face. I walked inside and took Kaonashi with me.

This is it. I hope he remembers me.

"Um. . . excuse me" I said standing behind the platform where he sit to brew the herbs for the baths.

"Eh?! Who are you? What are you doing here, human?" he asked me while turning atound from his work.

"Huh? Kamaji don't you remember me?" I asked him (maybe he just forgot cause you know his kinda old)

"No I've never seen you" He said simply tying to ignore ME! and he also turned around again and started brewing herbs again.

"Oh c'mon Kamaji can't you remember your granddaughter?" I hope this works.

"What are you talking about I don't have a grand daughter." He said while brewing the herbs.

"Oh really." I said mischievously.

"I already told you I don't have a granddaughter. or . . . . You must be-" He stopped on what his doing and paused for a moment.

"Sen?" he asked staring at me.

"Uh-huh." I said while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Sen!" He screamed and hugged me and I giggled.

"Long time no see Kamaji." I said

"Oh! Sen you've grown so much! How are you?" He asked as he pulled away from the hug.

"I'm fine Kamaji. How about you?"

"Heh. Same old, same old." he said while waving his hand.

"Sen I thought you're already free? So why are you here?" He asked

"Ahh . . . Kamaji I'm here to stay." I said while looking down.

"Oh . . . Is that so?"


"But Sen how about your family?"

I didn't answer him. Instead I looked down. We were both in silence for a moment until he changed the subject.

"Does Rin already know you're hear?" He asked me

"Well . . . Not yet-" I was cut off by. . .

"Hey Kamaji! Meals here!" screamed someone

"Huh well speak of the devil." Kamaji said lowly

I turned to where the voice came from and saw . . . 

"Rin!" I screamed as I saw her.

"Huh? Who are you?" she asked me questioningly. (argh! Why does everyone don't remember me? Do they have amnesia?)

"Baka! It's me Chihiro! or . . . Sen if you prefer." I said while smacking her head

"Sen . . . is that you?" she asked me while scraching her head and handing Kamaji his food and handing him the food for the soot balls (She actually gave Kamaji the food of the soot balls for him to feed them for himself and not her? . . . What a lazy bum)

"Yes! Of course!" I screamed while hugging her.

"You've grown so much!" She screamed as she looked at my features . . .

We chated for a while until out of no where I blurted out . . .

"Ah . . . Rin, Kamaji . . . Where's Haku?" I asked absent mindedly

They both paused for a while and smiled widely at me . . .

"Someones missing the dragon!" they said in a sing-song tone.

"Of course I miss him CAUSE HIS MY FRIEND!" I shouted while blushing

"Okay . . . If you say so" They both said goofily

"But our dear little Sen the Dragon is not here yet." Rin said teasingly

"What?!" I shouted

WHAT? He's not here?! . . .Too much for my disappointment

"Don't worry he's gonna come back real soon." She said simply


. . .


Author's Note:

Hi dears readers! I'm so sorry that this update is very very very VERY late. . . Cause you know . . . my teachers gave so many homeworks EVERYDAY inspite of being in the SSC class . . . And sorry also for the dumb update . . .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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