~CHAPTER FOUR~ -Back Again!-

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I was staring with awe at the old amusement park . . . All of my memories in this place kept on recalling in my mind. . . making me long for the Spirit world

The wind blew. . . like it was pushing me inside the tunnel. . .

I want to go. . . to go through the tunnel . . . to go to the Spirit World. . . 

But I'm scared . . . What if I got turn into a pig or a coal if I go there . . . or maybe worse . . . KILLED!?

But I really want to go

I want to see my friends

But what about Yubaba?! I know she's really angry about the No face incident. . . -____-

But I want to see Kamaji, Rin, Granny, Bou, Yu bird, the three jumping heads (even if they're annoying), No face, and especially Haku!


What should I do?

Go and meet my my friends then turned to pig . . . or stay here in this crazy world; be safe and rot to death?!

Stay or go


No, stay!

Go! :)

Stay -_-

Go ^______^

Stay -__-"

(Light bulb!)

I should go! ^___________^ \/

I walked through the tunnel while the wind blew. . .

The wind made me shiver a little but I just shrugged it off. . .

I finally got through the tunnel and I'm now at plain grounds that turns into a lake at night. . .

"I'm finally back!" I screamed while running around (Yeah, I know I look stupid. . . But atleast my depression is gone)

When I'm finally tired of running around I laid down for a while to catch my breath and watched the clouds across the sky.

"Hmmm. . . I wonder if Haku escaped the contract with Yubaba . . . I wish his okay. . ." I said to myself and drifted off to my dreamland. . .


"Chihiro" said a voice

"Hey, Chihiro" there it is again

"Chihiro wake up" Then I opened my eyes and sat up. . .

"Chihiro its almost night you should go home now." said the voice again. I turned to the one whose speaking and I saw a man around 20s with black hair that reaches his shoulders and red alluring eyes. His skin was pale white and he wears a loose black long sleeves and a tight long black pants that made his pale skin stand out. (Take note: He looks like a vampire. . . A handsome and hot vampire)

"Huh? . . . What?" I asked him drowsily. He just chuckled.

"I said you need to go home now. . . The sun is about to set." He offered me his hand do I could get up and I politely took his offer.

"But. . . I have no home there anymore. . ." I said lowly. . . I'm not even sure if he heard it.

"But Chihiro you're much safer there. . . " he answered me gently and tugged my arm to follow him to the tunnel back to the human world.

"But please can I just stay here. . ." I pleaded with matching puppy eyes (I hope it works -____-)

"But y-" I cut him off

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