Chapter: 2

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Chapter: 2
Title: The Message


The bell rang and I quickly pulled out my schedule,
Period: 1 --- Math --- Mr. Olive
Period: 2 --- Science-- Mrs. Hooker
Period: 3 --- Physical Ed-- Mr.John
Period: 4 --- English --- Mrs. Martinez
Period: 5 --- Choir --- Mr. Hane
Period: 6 --- History--- Mr. Matthews

(A/N: History??? Mr.Matthews?)

Ugh math, the whole point of first period is to wake you up not put you too sleep.

"Sabrina!" Called out Peyton.

I turned my body towards him and waved.

"What period do you have?" He asked.

"Math, Mr.Olive." I said sadly.

"Seriously? Me too!"

"Cool!" I say.

"Let's get going then."


I walked into first period--Honors Science-- and took a seat towards the front next to a girl with short black hair, big black glasses--her outfit was cute--. She wore a black short sleeve shirt along with a plaid skirt. I sat down quickly and wrote down what was written on the board.

For some reason I couldn't stop looking at her, at times she would look back and smile but there was something about her. Something that made me... I don't know.

"Okay class, as it is the first day of school I won't be too harsh! Go ahead and have the rest of first period to talk and enjoy yourselves!" Said the teacher.

"Whoa she's nice!" I said.

"I know right!" Laughed the girl.

"I'm Rowan." I said putting out a hand.

"Oh I'm Violet." She said shaking it shyly.

"Violet that's such a pretty name." I said nicely.

"Really? I hate it." She laughed.

"I like it very much."

"I like Rowan, it sounds exotic."

"Exotic?" I laughed.

"Yea I guess." She laughed.

For the rest of the period we talked and talked, Violet had just moved from Minnesota and recently got out of a real serious relationship, I told her about Peyton and I and she told me I should publish a book about it. After that the bell rang and it was time for the first break---also known as nutrition---.

"Violet!" I called out as she made her way out of the classroom.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Uh, do you wanna hangout?" I asked.

"Yes please, I don't really have friends." She smiled.

"Well so far you scored one!" I said pointing at me.

Violet and I began walking to the food carts when I saw Sabrina up the stairs walking with...Peyton. My face went straight into shock, Peyton... Oh god Peyton.... I thought.

"What's wrong?" Asked Violet.

"Oh uh, nothing." I lied.

"Rowan?" She asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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