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Chapter: 1
Title: First Day Back


The hardest part was telling Sabrina we were over, the summer was confusing. Things I did, people I met, I mean I guess it was like a vacation but none of that matter's anymore, I have been back in California for a week now and yet I haven't called Sabrina or even texted her I was back. Maybe I just wasn't ready to see her. Tell her the things I did, I mean most of the time the house was to myself, of course it was just me and Jess but still. I have regrets thinking about it, thinking about how I always thought Sabrina would be my first but no it was some stupid girl in another state that I will never meet again.


I woke up in excitement, with exhilaration running down my body. All I had thought about the whole summer was Bradley. The moment I dreamt up all summer where our eyes would meet and I would run and give him the cute I miss you hug, he would hug back of course cause he missed me, right?


"Come in." I said happily.

"Sabrina up and getting ready for school?!" Said my mother happily.

I laughed, "Well I am seeing Bradley for the first time since all SUMMER!" I say.

"A whole summer without texting or calling him huh?" Asked my mom.

"Yes." I said sadly.

"What do you think he's been doing all summer?" Asked my mom.

"Probably kissing it up with other girls in another state." Said Sarah passing by.

  My face went from a smile to a frown just thinking about it.

"Sarah that wasn't nice." Said my mom.

"Well I'm preparing her." Said Sarah innocently.

"Bradley most definitely didn't cheat!" I assure her.

"Your right, he didn't cheat." Said Sarah.

"Exactly so why are you-"

"It's not cheating if you too weren't together." Laughed Sarah.

"I don't find it funny." I say angrily.

"Girls, come on." Said my mom.

"She started it!" I say back.

"And I'm ending it, now get ready." Said my mom walking out of my room.

I finished putting on my makeup and went to the couch patiently waiting for Rowan to arrive. I checked my phone to see if Bradley had texted me but he didn't.


I woke up late, as usual and hurried out the door. Peyton and I haven't really been talking much and I just haven't been caring as much for my outfits, I mean it's not like I have a boyfriend to impress ya know? Over the summer we hung out a lot but towards the middle he started blowing me off for his friends... It almost felt like he didn't care anymore... So right now I honestly don't know what we are. I put on black skinny jeans, a black puffy sweater, my new black Jansport backpack --a lot of black today-- some converse -- that confession, are black-- and my hair down and wavy as usual.

  I walked to my parents room and woke them up.

"Rowan!" Said my mother shocked.

  God... I mean GOSH, I hate it when that happens, you know when your gently trying to wake up your parents and they freak out and scare you... Then your in this awkward position like... Uh ok bye???

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