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"Do you really think you people can get away with not paying your taxes?" Guy yelled at the small group of people pushed to their knees by the guards.
"Let this be a lesson for you all." He yelled as he grabbed you by your hair, you yelped in pain and fear at his gesture.
"Let this young girl be a lesson as to what could happen to you if you don't pay your taxes." He said as he pulled out his sword and held it to your neck. Your breathing got heavy and fast paced. Some tears came to your eyes as you held eye contact with your family in the crowd. A swift noise came through the air and pinged again the sword in Gisborn's hand. The sword fell from his hand and you took this as a chance to get a way. Wacking Guy in the face and stopping on his foot you ran away from him. Your turned and saw Robin Hood's gang running to the rescue of all the people in your village. A smile spread across your face.
"I knew it wasn't just takes." You mumbled to yourself while running to your family ushering them into your home. Knowing you couldn't go back to how it was after assaulting Guy. You said quick goodbyes and ran out to help Robin and his gang.

"Watch out!" You yelled throwing a rock saving one of the gang members. He was tall and had a beard, quite intimidating but he had a kind smile to say his thanks. Now it was his turn to save you he charged at your holding his huge staff up and plunging it into someone behind you. The shock caused you to fall over but quickly stand becoming more aware of your surrounds.

"There's a fast way deep into the Forrest, follow me." You yelled at him. You were very thankful he trusted you. You had to help them to repay them for saving you. The big guy called to everyone and they started running as you did too.  Leading them deep into the forest and down a steep path you made it to a area they seemed to not be familiar with.

"You. What's your name?" The big guy asked.
"Y/n." You answered your chest raising and falling faster than normal due to the run.
"Thank you for saving us, I'm Robin Hood." The one and only Robin Hood cut in.
"Well I should be the one thanking you." You smiled trying not to blush. You'd believed the 'tales' about Robin Hood and his gang because you have a wee bit of a crush on him.

"This is Allan, Will, Much, Little Jon, and Djaq." He introduced with a smile.
"Little Jon." You questioned looking up at him.
"I get that a lot." He laughed and so did everyone else.
"So Y/n." Robin spoke looking at the gang they all nodded and he turned back to you.
"What do you say about joining the gang?" He finished. A small gasp left your lips.
"Yes." They all smiled and cheered welcoming you to the gang. Robin might have held you a little to long for just a hug but you weren't complaining.

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