Shivers (Allan)

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A light snow had fallen throughout the day and you hadn't paid to much attention to it as you were quite busy today with hunting and running from the sheriffs men.
Now though as everyone ate soup much had prepared you'd noticed as you lightly shivered while shoving spoonfuls of the warm liquid into your mouth. After your bowl was empty you thanked much and said your good nights to the gang.
Walking over to your makeshift bed you crawled under the covers tucking your knees to your chest and trying to fall asleep before the cold really got to you. Being the newest member to the gang and the only one who hasn't been through a winter yet made the rest of the gang worry about you.
Finally everyone was off in there beds only slightly cold but not shivering like you. Allan the one who lay closest to you noticed your constant shivers. He was internally battling with himself if he should say something? If he should go over there and warm you up? Of just leave you alone. With a silent grunt he stood with his blanket and walked over to you.
"Here." He simply stated as he laid down next you dropping his blanket over himself and you then crawling under your blanket and pulling you to his chest.
"You're shivering like crazy." He said again as he felt you being stiff. After he said that you loosened up and accepted his warmth.
"Thank you." You said as you turned to now be facing him.
"Anytime. I don't mind cuddling pretty girls." He smirked looking down his blue eyes piercing you E/C ones. A faint blush came onto your cheeks and you looked down hopefully he hadn't seen it.
"Sorry that was inappropriate." He said as he ran his hands  up and down your arm and back to warm you up.
"It's ok I know it was a joke." You said while silently thanking him for warming you up.
"Well partly." He said taking a pause in between his words. You decided to ignore it and snuggle in closer to him.
"How are you so warm?" You questioned looking up at him.
"I'm use to the cold." He answered still rubbing your back and arm.
"Thank you." Your said after a few moments you started to feel warmer and you felt sleep over coming your body.
"Like I said you don't have to thank me." He mumbled you could tell he was getting tired too.
"Goodnight." You mumbled and tucked your head into hair chest to stay warm.
"Night." He replied mumbling also.

"well well well what do we have here?" Robin's voice woke both you and Allan. You turned to face Robin but it was actually the whole gang standing before you and Allan cuddled up in your bed. All their facial expressions making you blush. Little John was smirking and you could tell he was stifling a chuckle, will's face was quite funny his eyes were widen larger than usual he must have thought something more than just cuddling occurred. Djaq had a smug look on her face as if she knew the two of you would end up like this one day and Much was trying to look scolding but he had some awkwardness to him as he didn't know exactly what happened. As for Robin he was smirking and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh shut up. She was cold that's all." Allan stated.
"And I don't see any girls in your bed now do I?" He added now the only one smirking as all the men's faces dropped. You felt yourself blushing lightly but after Allan's comment you started to laugh.
"C'mon we have to go hunting." Much spoke changing the subject making Allan laugh.
"Yeah." The others added and walked to get their weapons.

Well here's the first imagine! Sorry I suck at endings!!
Hope you enjoyed and requests are open, but no personals !!

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