Chapter 6

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“Every monster has a beginning…….’’


The nurses wheeled Allison's lifeless body inside the emergency room. She was bleeding really badly and it's my fault. It finally hit me like tons of bricks. I caused this. I did this to her for no apparent reason. I started to feel guilt again after a long time of being cold hearted. Seeing her with that bag full of her things made me desperate. I didn't want to lose her. I didn't want her to leave. But it was too late. Allison is in that room fighting for her life because of what I did. I should probably let her go. In that way, she didn't need to be hit by a car. My hands made it way to my head, trying to support my weight. I really hope she is okay or I would regret it forever. Then it hit me. I love her. I hurt her because I was afraid that she will be like my mom. And that was the last thing I wanted to happen to the woman that I love. I was afraid she would treat me like how my mother treated my father.


I heard the slamming of the door downstairs. I peeked outside my room and positioned my body in the hidden parts of the stairs. I heard the heavy clacking of heels as it made contact with the tiled floor. I adjusted my position so I could get a better view. That's when I saw her. My mother. As usual, she was home late and drunk from who knows where. She stumbled as she regained tried her balance. I heard my father's heavy footsteps as he descended the wooden stairs. His deep calm voice made me shiver.

"Where you have been?" My mother lifted my head so he can meet my father's. Her expression was blank as usual. She didn't care if father constantly worries for her whenever she goes home late every night.

"Out." She simply replies as pushed pass my father. He can only follow her with his eyes as she drunkenly ascended the stairs. My father sat on the wooden stairs as he places his large hands on his head. I heard his few sniffing sounds, indicating that he was crying. I slowly left my hiding position and made careful steps towards him. I took a seat next to him on the stairs.

"Dad, why do you let mom do this to you?" I inquired as he lifted his face up, looking at me with tear strained cheeks. He placed a warm hand on my left shoulder.

"Son, you are too young to understand." He said as he looked at me straight in the eyes, his emerald eyes which is the same as mine, boring into mine. "When you fell in love someday, you'll understand."

I nodded but I knew his was wrong. You didn't have to be a fool for love. As far as I know, it's a give and take relationship. But my mother was only taking and isn’t giving anymore, but my father lets her. That's where he was wrong. I pulled him into a tight embrace as he cried silently.

~The Next Day~

My mother was leaving the house again and she would go home late. This time, I decided to follow her to see where she was going every night. The night was cold but I couldn’t care less. I heard the door slam shut and that was my cue. I went out of the back door and saw my mother walking past the sidewalk. She has a huge grin on her face as she looks at her phone. Tonight for once, I’ll find the truth.

I picked up a faster pace as she did, pulling my black hoodie over my head so she won’t recognize me. The snow cracked under my feet as I made my steps as quiet as possible as I hid myself in bushes.

She slowed down as she abruptly made a turn and stopped in front of a house. Who lives in this house that she knew? She rang the doorbell twice, before the door opens revealing a muscular man. He smiled upon seeing her and he unexpectedly placed his muscular arms around her waist but my mom didn’t struggle. No man except me and my dad can touch my mother like that. Instead, she did the unexpected. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they shared a passionate kiss. The man kicked the door close with his feet, leaving me in the cold, my eyes wide with shock.

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