Chapter 2

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Picture above is Michel.

"Honk! Honk!"

Natalee is always fashionably late. The journey to school is far so we had to leave during the early mornings on Sunday, so we won't tire for Monday morning classes. Since Natalie drove us home it was my turn to drive us back.

 I plug in my iTouch in the stereo dock and play the playlist. I hear the door close and turn to my right and sees Natalie walking in her heels carrying her backpack. She puts her bag in the back sit and sits on the passenger sit next to me.

 "Hey love let's go!"


 I start our journey back to school in my 20th birthday present from dad, a beige Volkswagen beetle with brown leather interior. For decorative purposes, I place a sunflower at the front to make it look a little girly.

"I have news to tell you Lee..."

 "What is it Elle?"

"I made a deal with Michel to find the other a date slash partner"

"What!" From the corner of my eye I could see the astonishment in Lee's face. I still couldn't believe it even after saying it out loud.

"Stop the car!"

"What? No! We're in the middle of the expressway!"

"Fine! Stop at the nearest diner and we stop for breakfast"

"But Mom packed for us food!"

"We can eat it later. I need caffeine!"

"Fine, we can stop at the diner in front... Why is it so important that you must listen to the story with me not driving?"

"Because I want to hear every detail! Its exciting Elle! I've been waiting for this moment for years Elle! I want you to play and meet guys instead of staying at home or in our dorm not doing anything but reading and writing and singing and dancing all by yourself! You need to find someone that would make your life a happier life for you to live in!"

"Okay Grandma... We're here." Thankfully we've reached the diner before grandma Lee starts preaching about how I should live my life.

"Look at that sexy white Ferrari Elle! I bet the driver is a hot 20-year-old hunk that could sweep of your feet!"

"Yeah right! He would have to be a man of steel if not he'll break his backbone. I do not want to paralyze someone I love Lee..." 

Lee rolls her eyes at me at what I said, we alight my beetle and look at the white Ferrari parked beside us.

"Oh Come On Elle!!! You are not fat! You're just English!"

"Oh that's supposed to make me feel better? I've made up my mind, I'm going to ace my degree, fly back to England and marry William when he proposes to me."

"Oh no Elle... William is a great guy, but he should be with me not you..."

"Ahh! Did you just say that? Natalie Williams had just finally own up to the fact that she is in love with my best boy friend in England! Yes!!! I have been waiting for this moment like four months ago!" Finally she told me!

"Wait, four months ago?"

"When William came down here to visit with me last holiday you couldn't keep your eyes of him! You were giggling at whatever he says! And you blush every single time he calls your name!"

"No I wasn't!"

"Come on Lee! You will always ask me if he asked about you whenever he calls or when we chat online."

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