"Hello, I'm Michel the new lawnmower that you called for."

The dream guy just perfected everything with his smooth and slick husky voice. I need to control myself.

"Yeah, nice to meet you Michel. My mom will come down soon, why don't you wait in the kitchen with my dad?"

Controlling myself from bursting into a goofy smile and look like an idiot in front of dream guy, I mean Michel. Michel's lips slightly quirk upward in a kind smile. I hope to God my cheeks weren't burning red. Michael step in and I close the door.

" I didn't get your name, Miss... Are you English?"

"I'm Elizabeth, and yes, we are. The kitchen's right down the hall, come." Breathe, Lizzie, you can do this. You always do awesome poker faces. Michel follows me from behind as I lead us to the kitchen. Dad turns around and sees us coming.

"Hello! I am Edward."

"How you doing, sir? I'm Michel."

"Okay, I'm going to leave the two of you and head upstairs. Nice to meet you Michel." I interrupt.

"You too, Elizabeth."

"Sweetheart, can you call your mother down?"

"I will."

I turn away from Dad's smiling face to see a smiling Michel looking at me; he has the sweetest smile, his high cheekbones made his eyes smaller than before. How cute! I have to say that Dad's smile is not my top smile in my Best Smile list any longer; Michel's smile was so pure and kind.

I quirk up an awkward smile and turn on my heel up to my room; I close the door and run to my bed. I have never seen such a guy before. He fits all my standards for my dream guy appearance like a glove. He is the type of guy I want to spend my life with. Of course I did not meant him. A guy like him would usually already have an attractive girl by his side. I would never end up with him or a guy like him.

A dream guy is a dream guy. He is supposed to stay a dream, a dream that forever stays a dream or maybe with capital "M", "A" and "Y" could be fulfilled; by other pretty girls but not me.

Nevertheless, I needed to inform my best friend, Natalee Williams, about my new very attractive lawn mower. Natalee and I had been best friends on the first day of high school. We had the same hobby, which was dancing, and singing. From the first day of school we were in the same class. Nearly every class we had was the same, except for our electives; I took art and she took literature. Other than that, we are always together. Mom and Dad always refer her as their second daughter.

I stretch out my hand towards my side table and took the phone receiver. I dial Natalee's number and wait for her to pick up on the other side of the line. After three rings she picks up the phone.

"Hey beautiful! What's up?"

"Hey sweetheart! If I don't tell you what happened this very minute, I think I could die!"

"Ha-ha! Chill pretty head! Is it regarding the new lawnmower that is taking over sweet Pedro?"

"YES!!! I-have-not-really-spoken-to-him-as-in-in-a-conversing-conversation. I-just-said 'Hi'-and-showed-him-to-the-kitchen-where-Dad-was-and-said-good-bye-and-ran-upstairs. Lee!!!! He is the living and breathing version of my dream guy!!!"

"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Chill kitty, you're talking like a bullet train. He is THAT good looking huh? Is he still at home?"

"Yes, he just came only a few minutes ago. And and and Lee!"


"He is taller than me and can you believe that I find his smile much more heart-stopping than Dad's?"

Do I want him or him?(Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now