Chapter 9: Winter Wonderland

Start from the beginning

Gary glanced over at his little sister. "Says the girl who didn't go with anyone," he scoffed.

"Technically, I came here with you," Leaf retorted. Gary shook his head and walked over to the table, joining Ash in the lovable holiday festivity of eating.

They sat around, waiting for songs that they enjoyed. A tune of bells started playing through the speakers. Serena squealed and practically flung Ash to the dance mats with her. Ash swallowed his Christmas cookie as Serena danced to Carol of the Bells. Ash, who had no idea how to dance, stood frozen like a Deerling in headlights.

When the song ended, Ash walked over to the table where the others were sitting. "I'm gonna take a stroll outside," he said, hurrying toward the courtyard doors. Serena had just gotten back in time to see Ash exit through the festively-decorated door.

Ash sat down on a bench between the hedges, which were illuminated by multicolored lights. He leaned back and stared up at the sky in silence. He was lost in thought as he continued to stare at the dark clouds overhead.

He came back to reality when he heard humming down the walkway. Ash continued to listen closely to try to figure out who was humming. He assumed Serena had gone out after him, so he accepted the fate and walked towards the noise.

He then realized the sounds were not moving closer to him nor farther away; it was from one certain spot. Then Ash realized Serena's voice didn't sound like this one.

He glanced around the corner and his eyes widened. Sitting on a bench was Dawn Berlitz. She had a blue dress on with a tiara where her beanie usually was. She was twiddling her thumbs as she hummed her tune.

Ash approached her slowly before speaking. "Hey," he muttered, apparently scaring Dawn as she muffled a scream. Ash backed up a little to let her breathe.

When Dawn regained composure, she sat up and looked up at him. "Hi," she replied, laughing at the fairly awkward moment.

"What's up?" Dawn asked once she finished the giggling.

Ash grunted as he took a seat next to Dawn and put his palm over his face wearily. "I need to escape," Ash groaned.

Dawn tilted her head in confusion. "From what?" She asked.

"Serena and dancing," Ash replied.

Dawn sweat-dropped. "That bad?" She joked as she laid her head on her palm. "To be fair, I'm in the same boat as you."

Ash reared his head back in shock. "Wait, you came here with someone? Is that why we didn't see you?" He asked.

Dawn bit her lip and looked down at the ground. "Kenny..." She mumbled.

Ash's jaw dropped and his eyebrows raised. "Kenny? As in Kenny Violet?" He exclaimed.

Dawn recoiled as Ash raised his voice. "What's wrong?" She asked. She had no clue what was wrong with Kenny.

Ash's eyes widened. "I forgot you're new. Follow me if you want to know," Ash said as he got up and walked to the door to the gym. Dawn stood up, dusted off her dress, and followed behind.

When the two arrived to the interior, they were welcomed with loud music emitting from the speakers. Ash checked to make sure Serena was nowhere to be seen. She wasn't. Thankfully, Ash thought.

The two hurried up the staircase and got to the banister. Ash skimmed the gym before pointing at a small area across the gym. His finger was aimed at Kenny, who was flirting with some blonde girl, whom Dawn estimated was a junior, maybe even a sophomore.

"You can't trust him when it come's to dating," Ash said. Dawn then flashed back to when Kenny asked her to prom.

"Well?" Kenny asked as Dawn thought it over.

"I don't know..." Dawn muttered. Kenny smirked as he walked toward her.

"Come on," he said slyly, "It'd be fine. No girl would turn me down, right?"

Dawn realized the true meaning of Kenny's message: No girl is going to turn me down, no matter what.

She looked up and Ash had disappeared. She swiveled her head trying to find him, but he was nowhere in sight. She went up to the nearby window and saw the raven-haired boy walking back through the courtyard. She rushed back down to the gym floor, which wasn't easy in heels. After stumbling to the door, she reached out to open it until a hand grabbed her shoulder. She turned to see Serena smiling at her.

"Hi," Serena said politely. "Have you seen Ash?"

Dawn glanced back at the door nervously. Judging from Ash's reaction earlier, she figured it may not be a good idea to let Serena know.

"I'm looking for him, actually." Dawn played off. "Want me to text you if I find him?" The blunette asked. Serena nodded and went on her way.

Dawn sighed as she exited the school. She skimmed her eyes through all the Christmas lights hung on the bushes and statues. She finally saw Ash looking at all the lights. She couldn't blame him, considering how pretty it looked that night.

She sped over to him and lowered her head. "You were right," She muttered.

Ash put his hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "I'm sorry."

Dawn shook her head. "It's fine." She replied.

The two walked through the garden despite the cold night air. The lights made it seem like a winter-themed park. They swapped stories with one another, learning things they didn't know.

"So you moved how many times?" Dawn asked in shock.

"Six. That's why I have so many Pokemon now." Ash replied nonchalantly.

"Did you ever move to Sinnoh?"

"For about eight months. We lived in Eterna City."

"Wow," Dawn said in awe. "Why did you have to move so often?"

Ash shrugged. "Mom wanted to find somewhere for her to retire. And as you may have learned, Elora is extremely peaceful, which makes it pretty easy."

Dawn nodded. "I lived in Twinleaf Town before moving here."

The two continued on with their conversations. While talking, it became apparent that they had not paid any attention to the clouds above. As they laughed at each other's stories, a small snowflake landed on Dawn's nose. The two looked up and saw snow start to come down.

"Oh no." Dawn gasped. "I'm sorry, I need to go. My mom told me to be back in case it started to snow." She then hurried off, clopping along in her heels.

Ash stood in the courtyard and checked the time. 9:55. Five minutes till everything closed. Ash sighed as he stood out in the cold. He watched the snow fall for a bit longer before hurrying inside, not realizing how cold he had gotten.

Serena stood at the door as if she were expecting him. "Ashy!" She cried, hugging him tightly. Ash sighed. Time to bring her back home.


Ash got home finally and took off his vest. Even though he was exhausted, he sat down at his computer desk and began to type. Pikachu, upon sighting his master, leaped onto his shoulder. Ash laughed as her continued to type in a group chat with Gary and Drew.

"Chu pika pi?(What're you doing?)" Pikachu squeaked.

"Planning everything out for Saturday." Ash replied.

"Pi ka? (Which is?)" The Mouse Pokemon asked.

Ash got up, stretched, and patted his friend on the head. "Some last-minute shopping." 

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