Chapter 6

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Then we both saw it.

Flashing lights.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no. This can not be happening!" Zayn shouted looking frantically back. "Niall, Niall, what do I do?!" He was screaming at me now. Wasn't he supposed to know how this works? He's the criminal.

"I don't know!" I yelled. "Just swerve through cars and go fast?!" I put my hands up in defeat. "Zayn, just pull over!"

He looked at me as if I was crazy. I probably am. I don't know anymore. "Are you crazy?!" Hah, there it is. "I can't pull over, are you joking?!"

"Then just.." I look back to see even more police cars whailing behind us. "Just speed up okay. Move infront of that white car then just go all the way. There's an intersection up there and if you go fast enough and turn fast enough we'll lose 'em." I explain, panicking inside.

I can hear him heavily breathing. He looks like he might pass out.

"Hey," I say rubbing his back. "Calm down, we'll get out of this. Focus. Draft those cars." He locks his eyes on the road and starts swerving. He moves through the massive trail of cars almost hitting every single one of them. "Zayn, watch your back." I say. I look back and see the other trail of policemen sllowy disperse.

"Are they gone?" he asks while slowing down.

"Yeah...yeah, I think so." We started going normal pace when we saw the familiar red and blue lights flash up again. "SHIT! Zayn, go go go!" He slams the pedal so hard I think it may go through the floor. He's lucky he's alone in his lane.

"PULL YOUR VEHICLE OVER" one of the policemen bellowed.

"Zaaayynn!!" I whined. "Go, go, just go!"

"I'm trying! This bloody car won't get out of my fucking way!" He agressively slams the horn. "MOVE OVER YOU JACKASS!" The car infront of him switches to the other lane using a certain finger to explain his emotions toward Zayn. With the excess cars now out of the way, Zayn presses down on the gas hard and zooms pass every car on the highway.

The policecars are now tripling asking Zayn to pull over. "C'mon, c'mon, move!" He beeps his horn again and swerves through cars, turning on another road. He goes even faster on the emptier street, his eyes locked harder on the road. He drives with percision and speed, swerving through intersections and passing through red lights. He had a clear, bright line of sweat running down his temple. I wanted to lick it off. He looked irresistable mad. His eyes were dark and locked. His knuckles were turning white from clenching onto the wheel so tight. And his chest, oh his chest. Kept heaving in and out faster than lightning it seemed from breathing so quick. My staring was cut off my a quick, blunt blow to my shoulder.

"Fuck, I mumbled, rubbing my shoulder. "What was that for?" I looked over at him.

"Can you stop checking me out for like a minute and help me?!" He said sternly. Shit, he caught me.

I turned around suprised to see no one. Not even an innocent car. "Z, there's no one there." The car immediately slowed down to legal speed.

"Really? He looks in his mirrors and pulls over.

"Yeah," I say. "So now what?"

"Now," He says getting out of the car and walking to my door. "We ditch the car and move on." He opens my door and takes my hand.

"We what?" I take his hand and step out. We're chest to chest. I can smell the cigarette smoke again. It's so familiar and inviting. I want to taste it. I want all of it.

He opens his mouth to talk, not moving from the comfortable spot. "These guys know my car license. It's not safe. They find me again, they'll shoot and might shoot you too. We have to ditch it and find something else." He leaves the spot and I sigh. He gives me a funny look and I wave him off.

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