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"Wait what!?" Mae screams through the phone. "You're coming? How did this boy convince you to go?"

"He just asked me and I said yes. I don't know!"

"You realize that Lila is going to be furious." She tells me. "I love it."

I giggle. "She shouldn't be! I barely even know him, and it's not like it's a date."

"Two guys in one day, Gemma Patton, what has happened to you!?"

"I think Lila might have slipped something in my drink at lunch." I joke.

Mae laughs. "I wouldn't put it past her." She giggles some more. "So I'll see you tonight then, if you're not too busy with your new boyfriend."

"Oh stop!" I exclaim. "You're worse than my Gran!"

"I aim to please." I can feel her smiling through the phone.

I end the call and quickly change my clothes. I grab my jacket and run down the stairs. "Gemma!"

"Yeah Gran?" I walk into the kitchen to see all of the counters covered in different baked goods.

"Grab something will ya?" She points to the counter. "I need all this in the car to bring tonight."

"All of it Gran?" I ask in disbelief. I eye the cookies on the edge of the table.

"I guess we can keep these. But everything else goes." She smiles.

I grab a pie and walk towards the front door. I open it and am greeted by Bram's closed fist. I step back just as he's about to knock on the door I just opened.

"Gemma." He says surprised.

"Bram." I sound just as surprised he does. "What are you doing here?"

I walk past him and towards Grans old beat up car. I lift the trunk and set the pie down.

"Well I thought I'd pick you up. I didn't want you to be walking by yourself."

He follows me into the house and into the kitchen. "Who's this?" Gran asks.

"Bram." He tells her. "Bram Fursey." He extends his hand to her and Gran gives it a firm shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Patton."

"Oh please, my mother in law was Mrs.Patton, call me Elle." She gives him a flirty grin.

"Gran!" I exclaim.

Bram chuckles and watches me carefully. "Bram could you possibly give Gemma a hand with the pies? She's not going nearly as fast as I'd like her to."

"Of course ma'am." He grabs two pies as I grab the other.

We load up the car with all of Gran's delicious treats, she walks out the door just as I set down the last pie. "I'll see you kids there." She says. "Behave yourself Gemma Rose. Bram, keep her in check."

"Gran." I say at the same time as Bram says, "Will do Miss Elle."

Gran gets in her car and drives off towards the middle of town. I turn to look at Bram who is already looking at me. "Hi."

"Hello." He says with a smirk. I've seen that smirk before, but not on him. "I didn't mean to just show up."

"No that's okay, I'm sorry about my Gran. She can be a little..."

"Sweet?" He finishes.

"She's something all right." I giggle. "So, shall we?"

"We shall."

We walk in silence for awhile just enjoying each others company, when I hear a crunching noise behind us. I look over my shoulder and see nothing but trees and sidewalk.

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