Chapter 4

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"What?" I managed to choke out.

"Sel are you alright?, if you don't want me t-" Demi said, but before she could finish I interrupted.

"N-No, I'm fine I told you I don't like Harry" I looked up with a fake smile.

I'm guessing she bought it because she sighed with relief and left the room. Truth is, I don't know what I felt. I hadn't even talked to Harry in years how was it possible to like someone in a day? But maybe it didn't start from today, maybe it's started years ago. I shook my head trying to get the thought out of my head. I wasn't going to be selfish though, Demi had already been through a lot because she was bullied a lot. I wanted her to be happy.

I walked outside trying to clear my head when I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have been on my phone, here let me help you" he said to me before I could reply I looked up when two green orbs locked with mine. I recognized the mop of curls. Harry. What a surprise.

"Hey selena! I'm really sorry I was trying to call you" he said holding up his phone.

"Oh no it's fine, and why? What's up?"not trying to sound to excited.

"We'll I was wondering if you would like to go out to get a coffee with me?"

"Yes, I'd like that" I said with a smile

"We'll than, shall we?" He said sticking his elbow out to me, like yesterday I smiled and wrapped mine around his.


"No way!!" I burst out almost choking on my coffee

"Yea it's actually hard to believe, but hey can you blame them? I'm just so good looking." He said grinning with a playful wink.

Harry and i had lost time talking, it actually felt like old times. I checked my phone and saw the time only to almost have a heart attack.

"16 missed calls from Demi <3" & "11:45" the clock read.

"Oh my goodness it's really late I should get going, Demi is probably worried- oh no" I sighed. "Selena? What's wrong?" Harry asks confused. Oh nothing just he fact that with this "date sorta thing" I confirmed i still have feelings for my childhood bestfriend, also known as my BESTFRIENDS crush. But besides that nothing much. I thought. Instead I simply lied, "Demi and I were supposed to have a girls night out and well now...that's not possible anymore." "Oh I'm sorry-" "No it's fine we both lost track of time, it's fine I'll see you around Harry I had a really fun time bye!" I shouted out the door leaving a confused Harry behind.


"We'll this confirms I do like him" I muttered under my breath. When I reached home I silently opened the door. Trying to creep in to my bedroom without waking Demi up, only to find her yelling at me like a maniac.

"What the hell selena! You knew I liked him" she shouted while holding a magazine up with a picture of Harry and I laughing at the cafe with a header that read "HARLENA?! :o" wow the medias fast. "If you wanted him for yourself you could've just said so!" She finished storming off and slamming her bedroom door. I was in Demi thinks I like Harry..she isn't wrong, but that Harry likes me!?.. I think she's wrong.

"Demi please let me explain" I whispered at her door hoping she would open. No answer.

I stopped trying after my 6th attempt. I decided to just let her cool off and that she would hopefully try to talk to me in the morning. I mean Harry and I weren't doing anything bad? We were just taking like friends..


And there you guys go chapter 4 :) I really hope you guys enjoyed it, !feel free to comment down suggestions thanks for reading ill try to update soon. Anyways I want to give a shout out to "@sammeh03" you guys should totally check out her story "Blinded by fire" I'm reading it right now & it's REALLY good! Thanks for the non stop support it really means A lot <3 Iove reading your feedback thanks "

@sammeh03" :)


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