Chapter 3

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Selena's P.O.V

After we caught up with Demi she was very amused and gave me a "we'll talk later look". Pretty much everyone was at the after party, although while everyone was drinking and dancing I was sitting down in a lounge room talking to Harry after he introduced me to his band members. I was never really the drinking kind. Harry & I told each other everything that had happened since we stopped talking. He told me how his last relationships never really worked out, they all wanted him because of fame or money. I unfortunately said the same until I told him about Justin. He suddenly tensed up. I got to learn a lot about Harry tonight and for once it was back like old times.

"We'll Selena I'll walk you to your car" he said as he offered me his elbow

"Harry Im glad we were talking like old times tonight, it was really fun" I said with a smile

"Yea me too, we should do this again sometime, yeah?" He asked. I smiled.

"Yea! Of course I'd love to..Hey can I have your number! You know? To

Call you sometime so we can meet up or something?" God. I sounded so desperate.

He chuckled a bit and replied "yea I was about to ask the same"

With that we exchanged numbers and said bye.


When we got home, Demi was sleeping over when I arrived she was already waiting for me.

"Selena Marie Gomez, what in the world is up with you and Harry Styles?!" She loudly exclaimed.

"Geez keep it down! And Harry and I are just old friends." I answered

"Tell me! Now!!!!"

"Uhhhh fine" I groaned and began.

I told her everything. She had already known about an old bestfriend I used to have, what she didn't know was It was Harry. Her eyes widened and she gasped occasionally. It was surprising to see how into it she would get. Like a little kid in a candy

"So are you guys gonna start dating now or something? I mean you two obviously are attracted to each other. Your eyes sparkled when you guys were talking" she asked with a grin and widened eyes.

I stayed quiet for a bit the said, " no I think we're just old friends catching up that's all"

"Really?? Are you sure?!" Demi asked

"Yes I do I'm sure" with a reassuring smile.

"Oh thank god! You just made things alot more easier!" She said with a relief.

"Umm dems, why what's wrong?" I got a bit scared.

"We'll I kinda like Harry....." She finished off leaving those words hanging in the air.

Love will Remember (Harry styles and Selena gomezHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin