Doctor Who: 11th Doctor X Homeless Reader

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(Y/N) has been homeless as long as she could remember. She may be homeless and act tough but she have a heart of gold. You are like Robin Hood in a way because you steal for the poor, the poor abandoned children who have no where else to go, you give them food and protection so they can at least live. One day, while you were stealing some food, cops found you stealing from a house. "Oi! Come back here!" Oh Crap your so Dead! You climb on a rooftop of a building and jump from roof to roof, and you saw a police box in a alleyway but payed no attention because your running for your life right now, and you finally made it to the dump where the kids are staying. "(Y/N)!" All the kids ran to you but stopped when they saw what was behind a junk pile...

Doctor's POV

"Sexy, why did you bring us to a alleyway?" For some reason the TARDIS, or sexy as I like to call her, brought me to a alleyway. She just opened the doors as If she was saying "go on and find out". As I was walking out I heard yelling"Oi! Get back here!" I turned to the voices and saw the cops looking at the roof tops? I saw that they were chasing someone who had a sack of some sort. I followed that person and saw them go to the Dump? I hid behind a junk pile and saw the back of there (H/L) (H/C), so I'm assuming it's a female because I heard someone say "(Y/N)!". I then saw tons of kids heading towards this "(Y/N)" but then they saw something from behind her but then I realized it was me they were looking at because there was nothing behind "(Y/N)". Then "(Y/N)" turned around and saw me, she looked angry to see someone else around here "Who are you and why are you here" she seems protective over the kids behind her "I am The Doctor and I wanted to see what all the shouting was about back there" she looked hesitant to answer me but she did "oh well I was stealing some food and supplies for these kids that are homeless, so I take care of them, and also Doctor Who if you don't mind me asking?" I love that question " Just the Doctor and I think that's very kind of how you take care of these kids " she seemed happy and proud of that statement "thanks, its kinda nice to help people who are homeless as well as i am" she's homeless? No wonder she steals, she doesn't have money to buy things for them...I'm gonna fix her homeless problem "what if someone offered you ,not only a home, but an adventure through space and time would you take it?" She looked around and then answered "I would take it anytime" I'm really happy to have a companion now "Geronimo!"

Wazup Wolfies!?!? I hope you enjoyed this and please leave more suggestions in the comments or my profile, PEACE OUT FOR NOW WOLFIES!! BAI ;3 !!!!

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