Chapter 3 - It Can't Be True

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The road seemed to go on forever and with the light dimming they could only see where they were going when the sporadic bolts of light shot across the sky. Their eyes felt rather wet and full just like the grey clouds above them that were emptying themselves. Bobby had only travelled to Msytic falls to come and talk to his dad (it had nothing to do with the festive period coming up!). His head tilted up for a second and when it fell back within his chest the blonde man with a fedora and glasses from the band stood before them.

"Hey," he began as they boys tried to dodge him and carry on their walk home "Don't go, look I've got to talk about your dad. He was really cool and one of my best friends."

"OK, well if you wanna talk we better get inside because I'm cold and I am soaked through to my skin. I just want to get changed." Tyler replied. Instead of walking the last 100m the boys (and man who was rather childish) ran towards their house at breakneck speed! Bobby tried the door. It was locked. He pulled the shiny key from out of his back pocket and swivelled it in the lock until he heard a click. The hinges creaked as the huge double doors swung open to reveal a majestic staircase.

Bobby and Tyler ran to their room and pulled clean tshirts out of their wardrobes. As they whipped off the wet clothes revealing mighty fine abs, Tyler turned to Bobby.

"I was just thinking about what's happened with dad and I haven't seen uncle Mason in as long as you haven't seen dad. So go how is he? Has he got a girlfriend yet?"

"He had one a couple of months ago I think her name was Katherine!" Bobby paused. He fell onto his bed, looking up at his brother. "Ty, I think they've run away together and abandoned me."

"Wait, what?" Tyler screamed. "Mason would never do such a thing he's too nice."

"Are you sure? You're not the one who's been living with him for 15 years." Bobby growled at his older brother.


Whilst the brothers were upstairs getting changed Patrick was downstairs talking to the boys mother, Carol.

"Oh hi, it's Patrick isn't it? It's a pleasure to meet you James was always going on about you and the adventures you used to have. Why did you stay behind haven't you got another gig to get to?" Carol's voice droned on and on.

"I wanted to speak with your husband but unfortunately due to the current circumstances I can't. Is it ok to talk with you instead, it involves your kids."

"Um ok" she replied hesitantly

"I'm guessing James never told you what he was so I'm going to tell you. He was a werewolf"
She froze. Her eyes popped and her jaw dropped.

"That's why I need to talk to you. Have you ever noticed that they have really short tempers? The werewolf curse is triggered when someone kills someone else. I'm worried that'll happen soon especially with their tempers!"

Carol just stared at the man stood before her. Her mouth still hung open but by now those staring eyes weren't just staring but more glaring at the singer who was in front of her. She was awash with emotion. The beautiful pulsating blue eyes began to fill with water. It was all too much for her and she sat down and cried. Cried because she was angry, sad, annoyed.

She turned her back on the man. With the water gushing like rivers from her eyes she faced him again, wagging her finger at him like he was a naughty child about to be told off.

"You should have spoke up sooner! My sons are monsters and they don't even know it!" she screamed.

The brothers came rushing down the stairs when they heard the noise coming from downstairs. As they saw the tears gushing from their mums face Tyler ran over to her as Bobby turnt Patrick towards the door.

"I think you should leave now. You're making our mum very distressed"

When Patrick Stump visited Mystic Falls (FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now