part 23

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One year later they are all getting ready for Rose's birthday party Cordelia and Gun have a daughter name Lilley Fred is pregnant Dawn and Xander have a son name Josh and they also got married Spike is back with Dru but she's good now but still crazy. Fred and Wesley can not have kids so they adopted a baby boy name Alex and Buffy is pregnant again and she is going to have a boy they are going to name him Connor Logan Summers.

They are all sitting at Buffy and Angel's in the kitchen everyone is laughing Rose has cake all over her face Rose looks like Buffy in the face but she has Angel's hair and his eyes Lilley has Gun's skin colour but she has Cordelia's hair but she has Gun's eyes . Josh looks like Xander but he has Dawn's hair. 'It has been a long few years' Giles said 'Yeah it has' Angel said putting his hand on Buffy's belly and the baby kicks. 'Wow mate' Angel said then he kisses Buffy on the lips hard. 'So where are you both moving to' Cordelia asked 'Sunny tomorrow' Angel said 'I used to go to that town before i was kidnapped' Fred said 'So you both are leaving la for good' Wesley asked 'Yeah' Angel said

Everyone is having a good time they all look back on what has happened in the years this is the end of my story


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