part 9

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When Angel got to La he grab the begs and carried Rose in her car seat inside where everyone was Fred Wesley Gun and Cordelia come up to them. 'Hi Angel it's good to see you where is Buffy' Fred asked 'She's in Sunnydale there are going to close the hellmouth for good' Angel said as he put Rose on the table 'Wesley what is the up date on everything' Angel asked Wesley as he put the bags down and picks Rose Wesley tells Angel what has been going on.

Later that night in Angel's room Rose is asleep on Angel's chest Cordelia walks in 'Angel i'm sorry that i kissed you' Cordelia said as she went sat on the chair 'I know you love Buffy i love you i know you don't love me i just wanted you to know' Cordelia told Angel 'We can work together but i don't love you i love Buffy she is the only one i love i'm sorry Cory we can be friends but that's it' Angel said with a smile 'You know she has Buffy's eyes right' Cordelia said with smile 'I know' Angel said with a smile and Cordelia left the room then Gun walked in the room 'What's her name' Gun asked as he sat in the chair 'Rose' Angel said 'So how does it feel to be a dad' Gun said with a smile. 'It's great the best feeling' Angel said

Hour later in the kitchen Angel is trying to feed Rose but she won't take it she keeps on crying 'Come on sweetheart it's yummy' Angel said but then Angel gets an idea 'Fred can you hold Rose' Angel asked 'Sure' Angel puts an crying Rose in Fred's arms. Angel puts a blonde wig on then Fred puts Rose in Angel's arms and everyone can't stop laughing at him. Rose drinks her bottle but everyone is still laughing at him.

After Rose finsh her bottle Angel takes the wig of but everyone is still a really hard Angel then goes up to his room and puts Rose in her bassinet and Angel is waching her sleep as he does that he thinks of Buffy and how they first meet he has a flash back.

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