part 14

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Buffy is feeding Rose Cordelia is sitting next to Buffy waching some tv Wesley and Fred are also waching the tv 'Where is Angel' Fred asked 'Asleep' Buffy said as she smiled at her daughter 'You know that can't happen in real life right' Wesley said 'Shut up' Buffy and Cordelia said 'No one wants to hear that' Buffy said Gun walks in the room and sits next to Cordelia. 'So what are we waching' Gun asked 'WWE' 'Fred said as he puts her head on Wesley's chest Buffy finshes feeding Rose Buffy changes her nappy and dresses her in some cool clothes. Angel walks in the room and kisses Buffy on the lips and kisses Rose on the head. 'Buffy i'm taking you out for dinner Gun said he can look Rose for us' Angel said with a smile and he sits next to Buffy. 'What do you want me to wear' Buffy said with a smile 'Something really special' Angel said as Buffy puts Rose in his arms 'Where are we going' Buffy asked 'Not telling' Angel said with a smile

A hour later in Angel's room Angel and Gun are in Angel's office 'So where are you taking Buffy tonight' Gunn asked 'To the movies to that fancy restaurant and for a walk on the beach' Angel said 'When are you going to ask her to marry you' Gun asked 'Tonight' Angel said. In Angel's room Buffy and Cordelia are sitting on the bed and Rose is in her bassinet asleep 'So what are you going to wear tonight' Cordelia asked. 'My blue fancy one' Buffy said with a smile. 'So have you got any idea where Angel is taking you' Cordelia asked 'I have no idea this is going to be our first real date' Buffy said with a smile 'Buffy i was wording if i could buy Rose a doll is that okay' Cordelia asked 'Yeah of course Cordy we are friends' Buffy said while she took her jacket of. Buffy and Cordelia walk downstairs with the baby monitor Wesley and Fred are talking when Buffy puts the baby monitor on the table. 'You shouldn't were them kind of clothes' Wesley said 'Why not i have always were clothes like this' Buffy said with a smile 'Well your a mother now you should dress different' Wesley said and Buffy got a pissed of look on her face. 'Are you saying that i dress like a slut' Buffy said Fred went really quite 'No just you have to change what you were' Wesley said Buffy punched Wesley and he fell back and he's nose is bleeding Fred helped him up 'Good one Buffy' Cordelia said trying not to laugh.

That afternoon Angel and Gun come out of the office to see Fred holding a tissue to Wesley's nose 'What happened to you' Gun asked as he sat down 'Nothing just Buffy  hit me' Wesley said and Gun sarted laughing his head off and Angel is smiling 'What did you do' Angel asked 'All i said was that she should dress different' Wesley said 'She didn't have to hit you' Fred said giving Wesley a kiss on the cheek. 'You never tell a girl what to wear' Gun said as he left the room and Angel went upstairs when he hared Buffy and Cordelia talking and he went into his room 'Hey' Angel said as he kissed Buffy on the lips 'Hey' Buffy and Cordelia said. 'So you hit Wesley' Angel said as he picked up his daughter and sits in the chair.

That night Buffy walks down the sires where Angel is waiting Gun is holding Rose Fred and Wesley are waching tv and Cordelia is reading a magazine. 'You look amazing' Angel said as he took Buffy's hand and kisses her on the lips with passion 'Thanks you don't look that bad your self' Buffy said as she walked over to Gun. 'If anything happens to Rose i will kill you and that goes for all of you' Buffy said Angel walks over to them. 'Buff i'm sure everything will be fine' Angel said Buffy kisses Rose on the head and says bye to everyone then Buffy and Angel leave. 'Gun what do you know about Angel being mr romantic' Cordelia asked as she walked over to him and looks him in the eye 'Your the one can have visons' Gun said as he sat down.

After Buffy and Angel saw the movie they went into the the restaurant and Buffy eat some good food 'Do you i followed you when you were 15 when you become a slayer saw you slay your first vampire' Angel said looking at Buffy 'You were stocking me' Buffy said with a smile 'Kinda you were with your friends you walked away and looked at yourself in my car windows' Angel said Buffy sarted laughing. 'Yeah i forget how i was like when i was popular' Buffy said with a little laugh 'I thought you were the hottest girl i ever did see' Angel said he saw Buffy smile 'Let's go for a walk on the beach' Angel said as he and Buffy left leaving the restaurant hand in hand.

On the beach they walk along it and Angel has his arm around her when they stop walking then Angel faces Buffy 'I love you Buffy more then life it's self i don't know what i would do without you you and Rose mean everything to me' Angel said then he got down on one knee and pulled out a king 'Buffy Ann Summers will you marry me i want you to be my wife' Angel said with a huge smile on his face waiting for her answer 'Yes i love you i will always love you' Buffy said 'Yes' Angel said happy Angel puts the ring on his finger. and they have passionate kiss.

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