AA: Apartment Arrest

Start from the beginning

"Can I come in and get some clothes?"

He hesitated before answering, "Yeah sure."

I opened the door, slowly. I peaked in to see Reid pulling on a white, button up shirt. I smiled and pushed the door open a little bit. It creaked as I did so, causing Reid to jump.

"You said I could come in." I said, laughing.

"Yeah. I know. Sorry. I was lost in thought." he replied, looking down at his shirt. To hide the blush, I'd imagine.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked. "This whole mess I've made?"

"It's not your fault, Mel. He's the abusive bastard who's after you."

I smiled up at Reid.

"I've never heard you curse before." I mused.

"I try not to make a habit of it. Don't expect to hear anymore of it."

I chuckled and got on the tips of my toes to kiss him. When I pulled away, I smirked with an idea.

"Nice 6 pack." I said and hit him in the stomach. Not hard. Just a playful punch.

He back up and wrapped his arms around his stomach, letting out a "Oof" as he did so. He looked up at me, his eyes saying, "Why would you do that?"

"I love you!" I reminded him as he stood up straight.

"You're lucky I love you, too." he said.

"Or else what? I'm a girl. You can't hurt me."

"You don't think?"

I raised an eyebrow as if to say, "try it". And he did. He smiled and tackled me onto the bed. I laughed as he pinned me down and tickled my sides.

"Reiders! I'm in a towel!" I squealed.

His face turned bright red as he stood up.

"Oh, right." he said and laughed awkwardly. "Sorry."

"It's okay." I laughed, sitting up. "No harm, no foul. Sorry for hitting you, but seriously, you should work out more."

"We can't all be Morgan, okay!" he joked, buttoning up his shirt.

I laughed and got up, searching for my bag of clothes. As I did so, I noticed something on Reid's dresser. I picked it up. It was a box. I opened it and turned around to look at Reid.

"What's this?" I asked, holding out a ring.

He turned around and looked at it. He opened his mouth, the closed it.

"Was I not supposed to find it?" I asked.

"No. I wanted you to. It's a, uh, it's an engagement ring. I was going to ask you later-"

I looked down at the ring and gave it back to Reid. He looked up at me. I could see the heartbreak in his eyes.

"We haven't been dating that long, Reid. I know that this whole situation makes you want to hurry things along in case something goes wrong or something, but I'm just not ready yet." I explained. "Please don't be mad or sad or anything."

"No no. I understand. It was a worth a shot, that's all."

He pulled on a vest over his shirt and exited the room, closing the door behind him. I sat down in the bed, feeling guilty. I was sure he wasn't that upset, but I could tell he was a bit heart broken.

I sighed and went back to looking for my clothes when I realized I forgot to pack clothes. I had gone to Reid's straight from the BAU and didn't pack the clothes.

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