Chapter One

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Miyumi snuck a glance at the clock that ticked away. It was supposed to be her first day of school, but a phone call from her father pulled her away for the new product meeting. This involved her riding a bullet train to a neighboring city that morning when she should have been leaving for school. She was excused for 'family affairs', but she wished with all her heart she could've been there now. Although she tried to be open with her opinions, she already knew project wouldn't hit the waves of consumers quite right. If only etiquette would allow her to say so, she would have a couple hours ago, saving everyone's precious time.

The presenter was putting her heart and soul into the presentation, and her hard work showed. However it didn't exactly snatch up Miyumi's current attention, and her thoughts soon traveled to the presents and letters she had Tsubaki deliver to signal her return. A faint shiver rippled up her spin at the thought of the varying reactions each of the genius basketball players could have. Surely, they would not be too angry? She shuddered at the thought, knowing there was nothing that was completely impossible.

"This concludes the product presentation," the presenter said, looking expectantly at Miyumi. A professional atmosphere replaced her worries instantaneously. This was her area of expertise; business was something she could handle.

"Thank you," Miyumi's smile was distantly polite, yet warm and welcoming. "Overall the product's idea is on point, but the marketing and design needs some small improvements. Although these changes may be small, I believe that they will heavily impact the success of the product. Please bring these changes to me personally when they are finished. Thank you for your hard work. Everyone is dismissed."

Disappointment met her final verdict, but the leader of the project seemed to still stay optimistic. Admiration filled Miyumi; optimism was a virtue that she valued. There was nothing for her to worry about with this project with such a capable leader. Fleeing with inhuman speed from the meeting room, she could barely contain herself from running out of the building. Instead she stuck to a brisk gait of walking, whispering furiously to Tsubaki to buy the fastest ticket back.

"You don't think Kuroko will be out of school already?" she muttered under her breath while smiling to the receptionist at the front desk.

"No, Ojou-sama," Tsubaki kept up with her with no trouble. "I researched, and we should make it in time. The basketball team has a congratulatory party for their victory at the Winter Cup after school in place of practice."

"Thank you." Relief spilled through her as she slipped into the car that was pulled up at the front of the building. Miyumi was always the type to get things over with. Time only added to the stress of the moment, creating more worst case scenarios enter her mind.

The car ride to the train station was considerably shorter than she remembered. Although it was beginning to pile with the bodies of various people, they were able to catch the fastest one with Tsubaki's negotiating skills. As the sleek bullet train started gaining speed, Miyumi could only twiddle her thumbs as the scenery flew by her with never ending layers of what-ifs.

oOo TimeSkip oOo

Miyumi couldn't remember the last time she had been so nervous as she asked for directions for the gym. Was it her first presentation meeting? Her first speech? The first time her father left her by herself? She shoved her doubts all away temporarily. The students that stayed after school for club meetings were all staring at her, silently asking who the stranger dressed in a formal white dress with the her hair braided into side french braid bun was. Drawing herself up, she pushed her feet towards the direction of the gym. She would eventually have to meet Kuroko, and he was the most affable out of the bunch.

The double doors of the gym were left ajar when she reached her destination. Peering inside tentatively, Miyumi discerned something was wrong right away. She was sure that only Kuroko came to Seirin, but inside was the entire Generation of Miracles except for Kuroko. The other team members of Seirin were all there playing practice games, but it was obvious that all their attention was spent on the odd group.

Stepping back a step in confusion, she leaned against the wall next to the door.

"I must be hallucinating," she muttered, closing her eyes in hopes that her sanity would be restored.

"Hallucinating what?" A voice came from her right side. Miyumi's eyes snapped open. Kuroko stared at her, sipping on a vanilla milkshake. "Miyumi-chan, how great of you to be back. Thank you so much for the unlimited milkshake for a year VIP card. Please do come inside."

A meager thank you was all that could come out of Miyumi. The lack of screaming, accusations, and anger confused her and added to anxiety. Then again, this was Kuroko who was always peaceful and quiet. The other would be worse, and she mentally prepared herself for it. Placing herself into the gym, Miyumi scrambled for words when silence erupted from the loud sound of basketball and chatter. The first to move or speak was Kise who threw himself upon her in a giant bear hug.

"Yumi-chi!!," Kise wailed. "How could you leave us? I missed you so much! I don't need the clothes you bought me!!!"

"W-what?" Shock spread through Miyumi as she tried to hug the taller blond back. "B-but I had them made by a famous world class designer. I-I thought you would have liked them." Remorse filled her at the thought that she didn't know her friend well enough to know what he would like.

"What he means is he's just happy you came back to Japan," A green-haired boy said as he pushed his glasses up his nose. "Thank you for the gift. It was very kind of you. " A delicate blush colored his cheeks, but Miyumi didn't notice in her joy that no one was yelling quite yet.

"I'm glad you liked it," Miyumi beamed up at the Midorima. "I-" Her sentence was interrupted when Murasakibara picked her up, setting her comfortably on his shoulder.

"Your cookies are still delicious, Yumi-chin," Murasakibara spoke through mouthfuls of cookies, looking upwards at her.

"And your hair's still super soft, Mura-kun!" Miyumi drew her fingers through the tangles, admiring the softness of the purple hair that felt like cool silk. Contentment brimmed from Murasakibara who continued to munch on his new snacks.

A cough from behind them caused Miyumi to twist her head backwards. Momoi pushed Aomine in front of her. He refused to face Miyumi, and her heart overflowed with worry. Aomine was no doubt the one she tensed at the thought of.

"A-aomine-kun," she stuttered, aware of every horrible scenario that could occur. "How have you been?" He still staring at the wall. Momoi coughed again, jabbing him in the side.

"Don't you want to thank Yumi-chan for something?" Momoi glared at him, and even from Miyumi's distance she could feel the scathing heat of it.

"Yes," Aomine said. "I wanted to thank you for the Air Jordans, but that doesn't mean you're forgiven." A soft sorrowful smile wore itself on Miyumi's face. Inside somewhere, she already knew that Aomine would take more than a present and her person being back in Japan to recover their former friendship.

"WHAT?!" A scream emitted from a tall redhead who sprinted over to Aomine. His appearance was familiar although Miyumi couldn't quite place her finger on where she'd met him. "HOW DID YOU GET AIR JORDANS?"

"WILL YOU STOP SCREAMING?" Aomine roared back, glad there was distraction from the awkward meeting.

"Kagami-kun, I advise you to remain calm," Kuroko stepped in while Momoi and Kise tried to stop Aomine from punching him. Miyumi's heartbeat skipped a beat at the name. Surely it couldn't be. America and Japan were separated by an ocean, such coincidences were rare to occur.

"Who would give that baka such an expensive gift?" Kagami looked over at Aomine with annoyance. Patting gently on Murasakibara's shoulder to be let down, Miyumi offered Kagami her hand.

"Hello," Her voice was flushed with determination for this to be a mere adventitious coincidence. "My name is Miyumi Oshiro. It's a pleasure to meet you. As for Aomine-kun's gift, I assure you that I am perfectly capable of providing such a gift." Kagami's larger hand engulfed hers as he shook her hand. Curiosity filled his face at the firm handshake.

"It's nice to meet you too," He bowed his head slightly from embarrassment at his remarkable first impression. "My name is Taiga Kagami. I hope we get along." Miyumi's smile froze on her face. This was going to be a rare coincidence indeed.

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