He's a magnet, and you're unable to resist his pull.

Every step towards him feels like a weight is being put on your shoulder, the hard edge in his eyes only increasing the feeling. You tell yourself that he's just pretending because you're in public and people might talk, that it's not because of you. You don't want to think whether you're lying to yourself or not, because honestly, the idea that your heart skips a beat as you finally stand in front of him while he doesn't look happy... you're not sure you can deal with that without feeling sick in your stomach.

"Hey." You greet him in a husky voice, and even in the middle of the loud chatter you can hear the desire in your own voice. You can't help it, though. Just standing in front of him makes your blood boil inside your veins, your skin sing at the idea of touching him like you want to.

"Hey," he says after a couple of seconds, his eyes looking everywhere but at you. "Didn't think you'd resist more than an hour in here."

You lick your lips, trying to resist the urge to grab the tie he's wearing and pulling him in for a kiss. His pink lips look as luscious as usual, and you want nothing more than feel them against yours, because you remember how good that feel - they have traced every part of your body that you have given him, over and over again.

You remember how good he feels sucking on the skin of your neck and wrapped around you. You remember how his body trembles as he reaches his high, how his melodic voice sounds in your ears as he urges you to come for him, to show him how much you really want him. You remember how good it feels when he gives himself to you, and when you give yourself to him.

You're his, even if he doesn't want you.

"I already want to go," you say, the words escaping your lips before you can stop them. You know it's stupid, you know what his answers will be, but you can't help yourself when you ask. "Come home with me."

"He'll notice."

"He never does." You watch as he bites his bottom lip, clearly thinking it over and driving you crazy while doing so. It might be the alcohol in your veins, the austere atmosphere in the air, or just the overwhelming need you feel for the brunet in front of you. You don't know what it is, but you want him. It doesn't matter that you had him just yesterday, it's never enough. You always find yourself craving more and more of him.

"Come on Mitch.." You say, your hand raising to brush his, just a fleeting touch but enough to make your skin burn. "I want you."

"Alex.." He trails off, and you hear the wavering in his voice. He just needs a little push, just that little more to make him fall over the cliff that you're already into.

"You know I do. You know I always do. And you want me too, don't lie."

You wait for him to say something else, but he doesn't. You sigh, raising a hand to brush your hair back, knowing that you have said anything you could. It's up to him now. Either way, you're going home. You can't stand being here any more, can't stand being in the same room with so many people that could care any less about you.

"I'm going home. You're free to join me if you change your mind."

He says nothing, and you turn on your heels, setting the now empty glass on a tray before walking to retrieve your coat, and calling yourself a cab. You try to not think about the disappointment spreading in your body, but it's hard to do it when it adds to every other time Mitch rejected you. It's also annoying, you have to admit it. It's annoying that he's able to tell you no, but you're not.

So it's because of that feeling of sadness that you feel so relieved as you hear your name being called, and you turn around to see him walking quickly towards you, wearing his coat and a warm smile. Again, you hate how much your heartbeat increases, but you choose to ignore the feeling. He doesn't say a word, just stands next to you as you both wait for the car to arrive, silently stealing glances at each other, anticipation thrumming in your veins.

When the car finally stops in front of you, he hops in and you trail behind. You barely have time to close the door behind you before his hands are on your jaw and he's bringing your mouth to meet his lips in a hungry kiss. You don't complain. You kiss him back with as much passion, losing yourself in the taste that you know so well and you crave like air, forgetting everything else but the boy wrapped in your arms.

It's wrong. Guilt is whirling in your chest, digging its way in your heart and mind, but you choose to ignore it like all the time. You can't help but being in love with him. You tried to stop your feelings, and you're pretty sure that he did the same. It didn't work.

Maybe one day you'll be able to tell Scott, but surely not tonight. Tonight you just want to think about Mitch, to enjoy the limited time you have with him before the time will be over. You don't want to worry about anything else but the feeling of his body against you, his hands roaring on your body, your lips on your neck.

Everything else, you can ignore - but not this. Not Mitch.


A/N: Hey look who's alive ( although I very much want to die right now because I HATE BEING A WOMAN NEXT TIME I WANNA BE A MAN OKAY. ) So.. this was blah. Sorry. I really tried. This was a request, and it's particularly dedicated to my lovely wife. I struggled, apparently Milex is as hard as fluff for me lol 

For once it's only 1.30am but I'm still feeling miserable so I apologize for any mistake.

I'm still working on other two requests and they're coming #soon. Y'all requested mostly fluff so give me some time, okay? And I'm still working on One and Only so.. I'll try to be as quick as possible. LOL

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